Twenty Questions for John Kerry

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Bruce, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

  2. flipkid

    flipkid New Member

    Now do you think he would honestly answer these questions?

    One question I wonder about is if after his return from Vietnam did he served his 2 years in the ready reserves, since he makes big issues with Bush for not reporting for duty? If he did, did he make every training session every month during those two years, and his week or two duty in the summer. Where are his pay stub records for this time period of his life? Did he report for duty?

    Or is it as it is all too often with politicians, the pot calling the kettle black, then debating the degree of, or acceptability of each other's blackness, if you will.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2004
  3. tcnixon

    tcnixon Active Member

    I'm 100% sure he did. As should you be. Do you honestly believe if there was the possibility that he didn't fully serve his time that it wouldn't have come out by now? Please... :rolleyes:

    I actually find the whole SBV argument silly. I also find the discussion of the president's guard time as silly. I find anyone who spends more than 10 minutes discussing it silly.

    We have 7000 issues that we need to be dealing with now. These are #7001 and 7002. Let's get through those others first. If we have time left over, we can talk about silly things.

    Tom Nixon
  4. flipkid

    flipkid New Member

    I'm 100% sure he did. As should you be. Do you honestly believe if there was the possibility that he didn't fully serve his time that it wouldn't have come out by now? Please...

    ***Well, with the way records get lost, misplaced, or are simply unavailible on both sides of the coin, I am not 100% sure. But since he questions (or his surogates) the other canidate on the exact same issue, then it is open to be discussed. I did not say it disqualifies him, but it is hypocritical don't you think, to call accuse your rival of doing something, that you yourself have done? Or is it in your opinion ok, as long as you can get away with it, and the spotlight does not swing into your own backyard? This goes for both sides of the aisle.***

    I actually find the whole SBV argument silly. I also find the discussion of the president's guard time as silly. I find anyone who spends more than 10 minutes discussing it silly.

    ***They both could clear it all up 2 minutes by telling the whole truth and releasing all records (instead of select files, and select hand picked witnesses) of the time periods in question, instead of attacking each other, or to have their minions (both sides have attack dogs, although one party perpetually pretends it does not...hypocrisy once again) Let the chips fall where they may and if it means you do not get elected, oh well...oops...that was a quick trip to fantasy world :D. I don't remember Bush running for President on the strength of his National Guard record...others from the opposing party brought that up. He did run on his record as Governor of Texas...that became fair game to look at. Kerry is not running on his Senate Record for the past 20 years, at least not yet. Why? He is running on the fact he is a Vietnam Vet so he is qualfied to be the Commander in Chief, more so than one that did not serve. So that can not be looked at? I did not say distorted or misquoted, but looked at with the same vim and vigor with which they have gone over the ommissions and commissions in Bush's record and yes there are many. Reminds me of a bully who gets mad and tells the teacher that you hit him back.***

    We have 7000 issues that we need to be dealing with now. These are #7001 and 7002. Let's get through those others first. If we have time left over, we can talk about silly things.

    ***I support you here all the way.

    If elected President, how will Kerry pay for everything that he promised at the Convention and since? Every program, every hand out, every incentive...somebody got to pay for it. How many years will it take? Will he urge his party to forgo their raises in salary and benefits so that those who make minimum wage can have theirs raised? How come they can raise thier salaries, ususally at 2:00 in the morning on a Saturday so it misses the news cycles, but not raising the minimum wage...if they beleived in it so much, give theirs back! If the Supreme Court rules that homoesexual marriages are to be the law of the land, will he force his Roman Catholic Church to comply at the risk of losing ther tax exempt priviledges if they do not? or is this another undercover attempt to pay for the programs through taxes on religious institutions. How will he apply the full faith and credit clause of the constitution if it is left up to the states to decide the issue for themselves? If I am to be punished through taxation for acheiving, then what inspiration or motivation is there for me to acheive? If I make more and can live better on welfare...then why should I get up and go to work? If I am not satisfied with my child's progress in public schools, and I pull them put, first will I have the option of home schooling or charter schools? Secondly why should I pay for services in a school system that I am not using? Thirdly does he believe in rewarding bad teachers and if not how does he propose weeding them out?

    Not that Kerry or Bush would answer an independent like me, but anyway...javascript:smilie('')
  5. flipkid

    flipkid New Member

    Please excuse the the process of editing the time ran out and this computer is not set up to send client e-mail via Outlook Express and I gotta get outta here!
  6. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    While all the questions (and follow up question) are well chosen (and I'd love to know the answers) there was one quiet little question toward the bottom of the list that could conceivably, be the most important. Question #18.
  7. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member

    Unfortunatley, you can write any questions you want. I can ask the President why he doesn't acknowledge his two DUI arrests, or alledged cocaine use. Notice he never directly answers any of these questions. Another question for Bush would be: Name a significant accomplishment of your governorship in Texas?

    I think Reagan said it best, "are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?". I ask the same question and more to decide who to vote for:

    1. Am I better off today that I was 4 years ago.

    Not by any measure. The economy still blows in the Silicon Valley.

    2. Do I feel safer in the world today?

    As a world traveller, I feel less safe now than at any other time in my life.

    I vote my pocketbook and who I can believe in. I liked Carter, but had no confidence in him. I liked and voted for Reagan for his second term. I voted for Clinton and think he was an excellent, albeit immoral President (really no more immoral than what we have today), but I never voted for either Bush because they were not worthy of the Presidency.

    Do I love Kerry? I am not even sure if I like the guy. I wish there was a viable third choice. But with the viable choices we have, President Bush certainly has shown his ineptitude for the postion. Perhaps Kerry will be worse - who knows? But I already know the alternative sucks worse.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Are there now 7000 degree mills, Tom? :cool:

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