Trump Wins In November

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Rich Douglas, May 23, 2016.

  1. Neuhaus

    Neuhaus Well-Known Member

    Flat tax if it includes investment income and capital gains, problem solved.
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Flat tax schemes are inherently regressive because of all the other taxes people pay that are not proportional to their incomes. Also, there is nothing unique about flat taxes in terms of effectiveness. It's purely a social issue, not a financial one. If one is in favor of everyone paying the same rate of tax, then a flat tax is okay. But if you feel the more wealthy should pay a greater percentage of their incomes, then a progressive tax scheme is for you.

    Neither approach is more or less effective at paying for the government's spending. Nor is either approach more or less related to the amounts and kinds of deductions the tax scheme has. You can have a progressive tax with no deductions, for example, or a flat tax with all types of deductions.

    The flat tax is often trotted out as a panacea to the tax code, but it really isn't. The tax code is complicated not for the number of tax brackets, but instead for all the favored areas contained in it and all the rules and processes necessary to carry it out. A flat tax doesn't solve any of that, just as a progressive tax scheme with multiple brackets doesn't cause it.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  3. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    I linked you to a video with more recent clips, but I guess you chose not to watch it. Donald Trump has switched parties several times on his registration. Yes, he has been a registered Democrat and has been one more recently than that video from the 80s you keep linking to. There are clips from the 1990s and 2000s with him taking liberal stances on major issues and saying that he agrees more with the Democrats. I'll link you to a different video since the first one didn't get the point across.

    The flat tax plans I've seen include subsidies to low-income people because they are inherently regressive.

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