Hello All...I've taken the plunge and enrolled in TUI's MBA program. I've received two courses and so far I'm very impressed with the level of professionalism involved. Everything is CD-Rom driven, which means no textbooks. Additionally, the school has it's own email service and requires students to utilize same to contact professors, students, etc. Therein is a fairly developed set of public boards to contact classmates. Happy So Far! Steven King ------------------
Sounds promising. Keep us posted. I would not have minded attempting my doctorate through them had it not been for the way they structure their credits/semesters and how that ties into my VA benefits. Each class is 4 semester hours at $500.00 per semester hour. At one class per semester I would still be eating $1000.00 per class because one class is 1/2 time and so the VA pays only 1/2 time benefits. Their Ph.D. program in Health Sciences was of interest to me. Apparently it can be somewhat structured to the Mental Health field. North
Speaking of Touro, I notice in this month's Chronicle that Touro College (parent of TUI) had their bond rating lowered due to high outstanding debt. That might explain their pricey tuition, but then again they might get more students if they lowered the costs. Steven, do keep us updated as to your progress, impressions of the program, etc. Bruce
I like Steven in an earlier comment have been very impressed with Touro University International. Having taken courses in other U.S. accredited state and private Ph.D. programs involving both in class and online delivery I can say without a doubt Touro University International offers very competitive and equally rigorous courses. In the end, the dissertation and not the coursework is where Ph.D. recipients prove their capacity to do research. I highly recommend TUI.