Tom Head's Essential Distance Learning Library

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Tom Head, Feb 3, 2001.

  1. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

    On, I used the Listmania feature to create a virtual "shelf" of nine essential distance learning books; all of them can be ordered, preordered, or special ordered from You can find the list here:

    Included are pretty much every Bears' Guide on the market, Baker's Guide, Walston's Guide, Thorson's Guide, a Princeton Review book on DL master's programs, and even a Peterson's volume. Most of you probably know all of these books exist, but those of you who are just getting started in DL might find it useful or interesting.


  2. tcnixon

    tcnixon Active Member

    I came across it quite by accident a week or so ago. It's a good, comprehensive list, I though. Good job, Tom!

    Tom Nixon
  3. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    But, Tom!

    How could you *possiably* have left off that wonderful work of plagiarism, "Distance Degrees" by Mark Wilson, or the impeccable "College Degrees by Correspondence" by the intrepid Herald Crenshaw, President of Columbia State [​IMG]
  4. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    Um, make that "possibly"
  5. bgossett

    bgossett New Member

    Or Richard Hoyer's "A College Degree In Your Spare Time" containing "The 20 Top Colleges and Universities which offer Distance Learning College Degrees". Ten of which are unaccredited.

    Bill Gossett
  6. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Sounds like we might be working up to a "Ten Worst Books on Distance Learning" list, eh?

    I'm not sure whether to nominate Peterson's Guide to Distance Learning. There is a huge amount of useful information in there, but they still don't make clear that they also sell schools the right to add their own material, up to two pages -- which are not identified as paid advertising.

    John Bear
  7. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

  8. tcnixon

    tcnixon Active Member

    And because the topic comes up periodically about John's other books (besides BG 14), I've made a listmania list of the ones I could find on Amazon. It's rather ingenious title is "John Bear's Books". It's supposed to say "John Bear's books (written with family and friends)" which looked wonderful. Unfortunate, it now gets cut off to ... (Written with) Clever, aren't I? It's located at:

    Tom Nixon
  9. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

    Hey, great idea!

    And for those of you who might be feeling particularly philosophical/spiritual/bored today, you might look at my "The World, the Flesh, and Tom Head: Part I (Books Only)," truncated to "The World, The Flesh, and Tom" (how folksy):



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