Hello! In response to @LittleShakespeare90... (who asked what made one smile) I waited for a friend in a park, near a playground. A maybe 6-year-old girl, with bright laughter, asked her mom with a cheerful voice: “Mommy, mommy, Aunt Angelika was so happy today! Is that because she finally divorced the bloody stinky asshole who gave her a black eye?” – Her mother told her yes after telling her not to use these words. - “But you called him so, mommy! So it was good daddy beat the living daylights out of him?” Well, normally, I am not into violence, but that one made me smile in more than one way. I was happy for Angelika, I was pleased the guy who hurt her got what he apparently deserved... And the girl was really really sweet. Best regards, Mac Juli
I’ve been sick with Covid for the past few days, but something that made me smile today was getting a big book package from Amazon. Every time I get new books, it feels like my birthday!
At the risk of being too cheesy: Usually, I ride my bike home. There is a 3km road where virtually no one else is. On an evening, I was approached by a woman on a bike - she asked me if I could escort her as she fears riding the track alone, as a woman... I am bald, weigh approx. 110 kg, and I look like people think how skinheads look like and have a rather gruff demeanour. I wondered why she asked me, but I did. When our ways parted, I asked her how she knew I would not commit any crime or be one of the persons she feared. "No, not you. You are a good-hearted man, even if you might try to hide it. Anyone with even a bit of insight into human nature can see that immediately". I blushed. And, later, I smiled. Best regards, Mac Juli
A fairy tale, rewritten. The Queen gazed at her reflection and asked, "Mirror, is Snow White truly more beautiful than me? Show me." As the mirror revealed the young girl’s face, the Queen sighed and rolled her eyes. "Well, this gal is ... she’s what—fourteen? OK, well, admittedly, she is more beautiful. In that youthful way. But she's hardly in my league, and I’m still holding my own in my mid-forties." She paused, considering. "Besides, why do I even care? Anyone who judges solely on looks is an asshole, anyway." With a smirk, she turned back to the mirror. "Now, mirror, please show me something that actually matters. How should I address the corruption that's apparently taking root in my kingdom’s public sector?"
No, I made that up myself. Nevertheless, "Snow White" has been parodied countless times; so I would not be astounded if someone made a quite similar oeuvre!
Well, you'd like him! Publishes sci-fi and fantasy microfiction, and has done like four thousand of them at this point.
Hello! Started doing sports at the local sports club, looking around... oh, I am the only one beyond 40 here... and the only one beyond 30, too... gosh dang to heck, I am the only one beyond 17, too!!! The instructor said: "OK, my kiddos, let's play a nice round of burning ball to get a little warm!" - To me: "And you are the parent of someone here? Do you a question or something?" OK, well, so I played burning ball with some high school kids. Me. At 44. To get warm. OK, I hold my ground pretty well, but I was glad my subordinates did not watch me... and the sheer absurdity of all that made me smile. Best regards, Mac Juli
Hello! Neither I not my daughter are native English speakers and we talked about things we misheard or misunderstood in English. She thought that the interjection "Jesus Christ" would actually be "Jesus cries", with the meaning "you screw up so badly, even Jesus can't help but just cry". - Best regards, Mac Juli
I have in my Favorites every comedy channel offered by Sirius/XM. Recently, we decided to check out a Netflix special by Nate Bargatze, whom I'd heard in snippets while in my car. He was terrific. If you like comedians who work "clean," he's your guy. (I like them from all stripes.) Really, really funny.
I love Nate Bargatze. He has three or four stand up comedian specials on Netflix. Gabriel Igelsias is also very good. He also works "clean".