The Supreme Court

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by mattbrent, May 28, 2009.

  1. raristud

    raristud Member

    LOL......On a side note, I wish Susan Boyle a speedy recovery. She is a talented singer and I enjoyed her performance.
  2. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Aka "Teodorito El Derelicto Educado". Ay dios!!!! Aka "Teodorito El Travieso". Aka "Tedmeister". Aka "broheim".

    Abner :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2009
  3. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Ted the Educated Derelict the next Simon Cowell? Sorry to disappoint, but I am no permanently drunken Brit!
  4. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

    I am going to wait until the confirmation hearings to pass judgement on the nominee - but she's a shoo-in anyway.

  5. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member


    It appears that Newt is no longer calling Sotomayor a racist. Why not? Has he changed his views? Apparently it has more to do with the reaction he got from members of his own party, at least according to the following commentary.

    Newt's and Rush's volatile commentary reminds me of the hate rhetoric spewed by Osama today. True, it's not nearly as bad as Osama's nonsense preaching hate of a whole country instead of just a portion of the country but still seems similar to me. Similar also to the hate rhetoric that probably lead the crazy man to murder Dr. Tiller.
  6. bmills072200

    bmills072200 New Member

    It is not fair to call her a racist, but it is fair to call the statement that she made a racist statement.

    Imagine if a white guy were to say that because of his background and experience that he would be more likely to make a better judicial decision than a hispanic woman... the public outcry would be deafening... it is amazing the double-standards that our society has created...

    It looks like she may not be a hard-line abortionist, so that is one positive for her from my perspective...
  7. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    A similar argument has existed for years over the Congressional Black Caucus and the Hispanic Caucus. No Congressional White Caucus.
  8. raristud

    raristud Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2009
  9. raristud

    raristud Member

    There are many ethnic or regional caucuses that members of congress can join. Interesting stuff.

    - Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues
    - Congressional Caucus on Central Europe
    - Congressional Friends of Denmark
    - Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Affairs
    - Congressional Caucus on Korea
    - Congressional Caucus on the Netherlands
    - Congressional China Caucus
    - Congressional Azerbaijan Caucus
    - Congressional Friends of Canada Caucus
    - Congressional Native American Caucus
    - Congressional Pakistan Caucus
    - Congressional Serbian Caucus
    - Congressional Ukrainian Caucus
    - Congressional United Kingdom Caucus
    - Congressional Vietnam Caucus
    - Congressional Western Caucus
    - Friends of Norway Caucus
    - Friends of Scotland Caucus
    - Friends of Switzerland Caucus
    - House Baltic Caucus
    - House Republican Israel Caucus
    - Hungarian American Caucus (HAC)
    - Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus
    - Kenya Caucus
    - U.S.-New Zealand Congressional Caucus

    ... and more

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