The Rooster Bar

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Kizmet, Sep 27, 2018.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  2. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    It got a lot of terrible reviews, including from me. I've liked Grisham books, but not this one. His dreadful evil diploma mill law school is apparently a privately owned but legitimate one.
  3. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    God, what a dreadful premise!
  4. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    I tried soooo hard to get into that book. (I live in Charlotte, and of *course* it's about Charlotte School of Law) but I just couldn't. I only made it to Chapter 3.

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