The Easiest Online Doctorates - Is that so?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by chrisjm18, Sep 29, 2021.

  1. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    Well nothing is proven because no statistics are available and they can also be fabricated. If there were truly proven statistics, I'm sure everyone would go to the schools with much higher pass rates assuming that they are easier. Sometimes you can have a bad group of students. I've heard of one or two cases of everyone in a cohort being kicked out of a doctorate program for not passing qualifying exams. It was that or a group of registered students took some type of entrance exam which they all failed and none were granted admission.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2021
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Not exactly. Things can be proven qualitatively with detailed stories whose facts have been corroborated. Most lawsuits (preponderance of the evidence) and criminal (beyond a reasonable doubt) trials are concluded thusly. You do not need quantitative data to prove the case.

    On another note, it would appear you are in a program that awards both a propio degree from a Mexican university and another from a private university (established in 1998) accredited in Nicaragua? I know that this arrangement has been discussed elsewhere, but it was your post that caused me to go take a look. Thank you.
  3. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I also see that UCN is part of a system that does not impede universities from offering anything they want without further approval. So, Azteca says, "Sure, we'll award a degree in <whatever> area and UCN says, "Okay!"

    I could see where that could be a problem wherever decision-makers make those distinctions.
  4. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    Yeah it's definitely a weird system. I'm doing it for personal development and a profile boost. I have no intention of using it for a professorship. I may teach and consult on the side with it. Azteca has been partnering with other schools that will make their programs official.

    Here is one I have discovered just a few weeks ago.

    These propio / unofficial degrees we have discussed that are awarded through accredited universities are finding ways to transfer or validate their degrees with other universities across borders to then make them official through the receiving institution for a fee. Students could then get a foreign equivalency evaluation for another small fee that will give it the regional accredited desired degree equivalency. Azteca and UCN have been popular for this for the longest and are practically blacklisted by evaluators. However, these new partnerships are doing the same thing and may be operating mainly for purpose.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021

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