According to the American Center for Law and Justice, Terry Schiavo's time is running out..... "Word out of Florida today is that the stay application for Terri Schiavo has been denied. It is possible that her feeding tube containing hydration and nutrition could be removed as early as this afternoon. " How can judges allow this to happen? How can they let Terry's husband starve and dehydrate her to death, a painful process that could take two weeks or more, only so that he can remarry? Mr. Schiavo took a vow to honor Terry until death. Now he wants to speed up that process instead of taking responsibility for the life he vowed to honor and protect. Why is her life any less valuable than his? I would argue that it is not. I am extremely disappointed in the U.S. judicial system for essentially ruling otherwise. However, it is reassuring to know that Florida Governor Jeb Bush attempted to prevent this savage attempt to take innocent life.
If I ever become like poor Mrs. Schiavo, I hope the governor or courts do not interfere with my meeting my maker. I worked in the ICU for many years and I could never understand why the most religious people were always the ones who stood in the way of their loved ones meeting Jesus. Could it be that they have issues/struggles with their faith?
No. They have issues with murdering another human being in cold blood. It is sad to hear you do not have the same convictions. BLD
The woman has remained in a vegetative state for, what, fifteen years? I fully support the decision to have her taken off life-support systems. This is the "humane" action to take. Life is very precious - but she was not "living." Her husband and family need to continue on with their lives. It's difficult to discuss such a subject. This is a personal, objective, opinion.
Julius, She still responds when people talk to her, she laughs, and is fully cognizant of what is going on around her. If it is okay to kill her, we might as well just start killing everyone who has a disability. BLD
I agree. If that ever happened to me, I would want my spouse to let me die with dignity, and not have my parents interfere. Oh, and as far as BLD saying that we may as well start killing people off with disabilities, if they want to die, then what's the issue? If there is a zero percent chance of recovery, and they want to, then go ahead. Now before you go off on one of your angry responses BLD, please note that I am not saying that if someone has Autism, or Down Syndrome that we shoukld systematically kill them like Nazis. However, if someone is a parapalegic, or is brain dead, and have made it known that they wish to die, then I see no problem with it.
I agree. If that ever happened to me, I would want my spouse to let me die with dignity, and not have my parents interfere. Oh, and as far as BLD saying that we may as well start killing people off with disabilities, if they want to die, then what's the issue? If there is a zero percent chance of recovery, and they want to, then go ahead. Now before you go off on one of your angry responses BLD, please note that I am not saying that if someone has Autism, or Down Syndrome that we shoukld systematically kill them like Nazis. However, if someone is a parapalegic, or is brain dead, and have made it known that they wish to die, then I see no problem with it.
Bink, I don't know what "angry responses" you're referring to, but by your statements you have proven yourself to be an extremely cruel person. You said: How many people will recover from Down's syndrome, MS, etc??? Why not kill them all? In fact, why not kill everyone who is not blonde haired and blue eyed while we're at it? Your response is truly vile. BLD
That's not an angry response!!! You jumped right into the Nazi Comparison and called me "extremely cruel" and "vile" for sharing my opinion! You make it sound like I have people buried in my backyard and a swastika tatooed on my face! I specifically said that we shouldn't be "killing" people with MS, Down Syndrome, or any other "incurable" disease. What I said was that if a person wants to die, or has made their wishes made before they are in such a state, then I don't have problem with them wanting to die, and them being allowed to die humanely rather than existing in a state they don't wish to be in. Believe it or not BLD, I would have a problem if SS police were scouring the streets rounding up people with disabilites and systematically killing them.
This is about the right to die if that's your expressed wish. BLD, your slippery slope argument is a logical fallacy, as it always is. Stick to the facts. And, you Godwined me after one post. Amazing.
Hey Guys, It really comes down to this: One side wants to kill someone, and the other side wants to save someone's life. I'll come down on the latter side every time. If you don't have a problem with killing someone it will have to be on your conscience. All I've got to say is that your comments reflect the sickness of our culture. And Bink, if anything I'm saying reflects Ann Coulter that would make me proud. Ann is a great person! BLD
This is about the right to die if that's your expressed wish. BLD, your slippery slope argument is a logical fallacy, as it always is. Stick to the facts. And, you Godwined me after one post. Amazing.
My own father made me take a vow that should he ever fall into a vegetated state & that there was no chance of recovery to pull the plug. I remember almost exactly what he said to me: "Son, I don't wanna lay there like some damn vegetable. If they're aint nothin' they can do pull the plug because I may be alive, but I ain't livin'." I concur. As BinkWile said, "if they want to" then why not? I wouldn't feel bad about that because, as I said, I wouldn't want to lie in a vegetated state. I've made that fact VERY clear to family members. In the case with Mrs. Shiavo I cannot say. Perhaps she did not make it clear before she came into such a state and therefore cannot speak on behalf of herself in which case I make no argument for nor against.
Who says there is no chance for Terri to recover? For one, she is not in a vegetative state at all. She is fully cognizant of her surroundings, and responds to questions, etc... There have been others where it was thought they would never recover that have. Who are we to decide to pull the plug on a person who can clearly think and respond to those around her. From the way you guys are talking, she might as well be a dog at the pound. This is a human being we're talking about. BLD
From the Chicago Sun Times: "Terri Schiavo can breathe on her own, but relies on the feeding tube to survive. Doctors say she is in a persistent vegetative state with no hope for recovery. Her parents say she has laughed, cried, smiled and responded to their voices. A court-appointed doctor has said the noises and facial expressions are reflexes."
Khan, Here is a link for you if you actually even care about Terri: