Teaching online counseling classes

Discussion in 'Online & DL Teaching' started by kirkhenderson123, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. kirkhenderson123

    kirkhenderson123 New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I am about to embark in one of two masters programs: either online psych or online counseling. Some of you have given me great info about schools in both disciplines and I appreciate that. My question here, though, is...with a masters in professional counseling, is there a big demand for teaching undergrad counseling courses? This is part of my longterm plan (being an online adjunct), and I have sened that psychology classes are more abundant than counseling. But they are kindof mutually exclusive. If you have a degree in pysch, you cannot counsel, but more opportunities for adjunct. If your degree is in counseling, you cant teach psych courses, but you can teach counseling. So any thoughts???? Thanks!
  2. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I'm guessing that the answer is "no." Plus, the demand that exists is likely filled with people who have PhDs. Here's the test. Go to ten of the links that you've been given. First look to see how many undergrad counseling courses are offered. Then look at who is teaching them. What are their credentials?

    I've never checked this out but I think that there are about a skagillion people with Masters degrees in Psych or Counseling or whatever it might be called on their diplomas. I think that this is a field where experience counts for almost as much as academic credentials. I'm thinking that a person with a Masters degree but no counseling work experience is at a BIG disadvantage if they want to teach counseling. I think that this might be a field where you have to actually want to be a counselor more than wanting to be a teacher.
  3. Griffin

    Griffin Crazy About Psychology

    Yes, if you are teaching counseling-specific courses, it's going to be required that you have experience with counseling whether you are a counseling major or not. It's way too hands-on to be taught effectively by someone who's never been a counselor.

    Stuff like Intro/Psych or AbPsych -- general 100/200-level classes -- can pretty much be filled by an instructor with an MA. I've taken psychology classes taken by an MA in the past. And you may be able to teach HS classes (those few that offer psych/sociology classes, YMMV). So if you are looking to start at the bottom and work up it might work out for you.

    If you have an MA in Psychology, you can counsel in most states. In my area, a lot of LMFT's hold MAs in Psychology. You are just not a doctor of psychology -- which limits you somewhat (opening your own practice is usually something limited to Phd/PsyD psychologists). I think it would be in your best interests to actually go for psychology or counseling psychology if you want your counseling doors to be open all the way. :D

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