Student Evaluation of Professors is Causing Grade Inflation Online and B&M

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by SurfDoctor, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I can change that easily enough.....MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (rubbing hands together)
  2. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Right back at yah!!!!!!!
  3. BruceP

    BruceP Member

    This has been an issue for a long time. When I was attending nite school in the 1980's, I had a favorite adjunct professor. He was actually a retired professor from a prestigious university, working for the State, and teaching on the side. The workload in his classes was extremely demanding. I wanted to learn and loved his classes for what I learned. Thus, I always looked for his classes to register in. Of course I was the exception as many of my peers were looking for the path of least resistance and the easy way to their degree... so they avoided him like the plague. The end result was that his classes were usually cancelled due to lack of enrollment... and I'm sure that the number of negative student evaluations didn't help his relationship with the university either. Sadly, he eventually he left this university.
  4. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    Point of clarification: Sowell was not talking about the RMP websites. He was talking about the many schools that ask you to submit an evaluation form at the end of the class that includes a section on your opinion of the professor.
  5. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    QUOTE=Randell1234;388290]Hmm, I applied at one point and never even got a thanks-but-no-thanks letter :disappointed:[/QUOTE]

    They're fools! :You_Rock_Emoticon: But a letter? At least that's something, one year my husband applied to over 300 positions and got roughly 2 letters.

    You should apply again. Our upper admin is almost all new due to a "new president shift" (when one person moves up, everyone else moves up/over/around into new roles too lol) So you'll likely get a new dean looking at your ap.
  6. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Devry is one of the best online schools, they have final exams and online lab assignments (not just essay writing).
    They also have one of the best instructor's evaluation system as student feedback only counts for 10% of your overall evaluation.

    Devry's main problem is that they are too big so it is hard to communicate with them.

    I believe their system is as close you can get to face to face classes, faculty is also paid above average.

    I would classify Devry's as the most desirable online school to work for.
  7. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    RMP is not frequented by online students, online classes for the most part are canned so who gives the class is not so important.

    I'm ranked at RMP, if my average goes low i just go there and I post my own reviews to boost it up (joke).

    The place is a joke, you can rate the same professor multiple times so if I'm angry with a professor I can post 100 negative reviews. You can post your own rates also. I asked them to remove my name but declined my request, I just created my name 20 times with different variations in the system so now students cannot really rate as they don't know who to rate now.
  8. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I can create a Randell professor at NCU, however, I don't think you want this. Once your name is there you cannot remove it, you can have a couple of nasty degreeinfo haters to go there and just give you bad reviews to piss you off.
  9. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Oh they piss me off right here, no need to travel to RMP!
  10. LGFlood

    LGFlood New Member

    Grade inflation?? Actually, I've always feared the opposite as a student. At Liberty, course evaluations pop up two weeks before the end of class. It is also known by the student that the instructor receives the information and it is not anonymous. While I have given good reviews to professors that have been helpful, for the handful of professors who have been horrible (waiting until week 4 to get week 1 grades, no responses from email, excessively harsh grading, inconsistent grading, etc.) I simply do not provide an evaluation as I fear them being spiteful and lowering my grade on one of the assignments left during the last two weeks. Just giving some thoughts from the other side of the fence.
  11. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    That is me as an instructor!!!
  12. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Ugh. I wouldn't design things that way, for the clear moral hazard reason that you suggest.

    (On the other hand, one could be philosophical and see it as an opportunity to decide what sort of person one wants to be.)

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