St. Regis University "Faculty" ...

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by piratesmac, May 21, 2005.

  1. piratesmac

    piratesmac New Member

    What ever happened to all of the "Faculty" members?

    They were once quite vocal.

  2. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I just confirmed registration for one of them (never let it be said we're not fair), so we'll see what happens.
  3. Walt

    Walt New Member

    Well, I suppose Bruce is referring to me, having re-registered a day or two ago; but I like to be referred to as "ex-faculty" - MOST DEFINITELY not faculty any longer.....

    Good to be back!


  4. mineralhh

    mineralhh New Member

    how sweet. "MOST DEFINITELY not faculty any longer" and at the same time still affiliated with the more-than-closely-related (James) Monroe University - didn't they even share the same liberian address with st. regis? - with being a faculty member at Athenaeum. Holy credibility.
  5. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    SRU IS James Monroe U. IS Monroe U.
  6. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Hi Len,

    You changed your handle?

    If you're the same Len that used to occasionally post here then I have to say, Welcome back! I always enjoy your posts. How's Monroe University working out for you? ;)
  7. Walt

    Walt New Member

    Open your eyes my dear friend - the post on "faculty" referred to SRU - and I clearly stated that I am no longer part of that organisation. Don't worry, the sarcastic tone of your message is forgiven, you must have been having a bad day when you wrote that post and then nobody can think clearly.

    Hi Bill,
    Yes, I had to change my handle to be able to re-register, as my previous handle would not allow me to post for some or other reason, and my e-mails to the forum contact e-mail address all came back as unknown. But as you can see, all my posts are now signed under my real name; I do not have to hide it.

    So, in answer to your question - I don't know how it is going at Monroe University, as I am not involved there.


  8. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Hello Len/Walt - Because I've been hanging around this neighborhood for a while I have some idea of who/what you are but I'm sure that there are many people reading the above post and wondering, "Who is this guy and what does he have to do with distance learning?" It might be helpful if you would identify yourself in some manner but please, only to the degree you are comfortable. Thanks,
  9. Walt

    Walt New Member

    Hi Jack,

    I'm just an ordinary guy minding my own business. Go to the search function and type in my old registered name "Len", and you should see my whole history.

    I used to be part of SRU, until I started challenging them on certain issues, whereafter I was banned and threatened with legal action.


  10. mineralhh

    mineralhh New Member

    In fact you are right walt! your name really no longer comes up via 4 clicks from the monroe-university webpage as it used to, Athenaeum seems no longer to be part of the Monroe University Universe. So I'll be naive and think the best that you've left your "liberian" ties behind you. Congratulations!
  11. galanga

    galanga New Member

    history question

    Hi Len,

    A couple of years ago you posted a brief history of Saint Regis and the National Board of Education in response (if I recall correctly) to a query about the IP addresses of various sites. It was interesting to read.

    I wonder if you could share with us a related bit of history. It is clear from internet domain registrations, IP addresses, and so on that the bulk of Saint Regis (and related) activities have involved a Spokane, Washington base. The Regis University v. Lorhan et al. suit names Heidi Lorhan, Dixie Randock, Steve Randock, Kenneth Pearson, and Richard Hoyer as defendents. Lorhan and the Randocks are related, and Pearson wiorks in Spokane. But how did the Spokane participants come to work with Richard Hoyer, who is in Rochester, New York? And how did Richard Novak (who has represented SRU in at least one broadcast news interview) come to work with them? (He is based in Arizona.) How have these people found each other to enter into collaboration? Do they know each other from earlier business ventures? College? Awareness of each other's activities?

  12. Walt

    Walt New Member

    Hi G,

    I honestly cannot tell you, as my frictions with SRU started well before they actually ceased to exist. All I can think of is that they must have known one another from sometime before. I really do not have that detail at hand to be able to reply to your questions - and, may I add, I myself would love to hear the answers to your queries!

    I know that John Kersey, previously from SRU and now, if my facts are correct, started up an online institution registered in the Seychelles, has significant information on SRU and its history. Perhaps John, if he reads this post, can offer some insight?

    Have a nice day.


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