Southern Methodist University going secular?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by sanantone, Oct 22, 2024.

  1. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    SMU is trying to break ties with the United Methodist Church after the denomination voted in 2019 to continue their ban on ordaining gay clergy and conducting same-sex marriages. UMC says they own the school, and the university's board cannot unilaterally change their governing documents.

    Note: After conservative factions broke off from UMC, the denomination changed its stances on LGBTQ bans earlier this year.
    MaceWindu likes this.
  2. Tireman 44444

    Tireman 44444 Well-Known Member

    As I am a UMC member, the name of branch that broke away is the Global United Methodist Church.
    MaceWindu likes this.

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