Silly, Aimless Religious Discussion

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Elmer Gantry, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. Elmer Gantry

    Elmer Gantry New Member

    No..... not meant at all! Those without Christ go to hell. BTW: Why are you so interested in Godly things, languages, theology, or anything else if your preconceptions will not allow you to do anything else but wrangle about things you doubt anyway. What is your ultimate point, good sir??? Christ in your heart is what the doctor has ordered!! Read the book of St. John 10 times and then call me.
  2. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Absolutely not what the Bible teaches. I can't figure out if you are really that hokey or if you are a sad troll. :sad:
  3. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member


    Not quite but nearly, JWC. Ugaritic, at least, entered my mind -- but I purposely didn't include it, as more than 3 might be overkill.
    But yes - thanks. I did forget Akkadian - entirely. :smile:

    @Elmer Gantry

    "Those without Christ go to Hell" - that's more doubletalk as I see it. Meanspeech at best - possibly worse - to those of other faiths, or none at all.

    My sole reason for participating in this thread was to see if ABC was a school that I thought had any business awarding Master's degrees and Doctorates. That's a serious business, not to be taken lightly. Now I've had a chance to read posts from one of the school's foremost proponents, I have formed my opinion...

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2014
  4. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    The bible says, "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine" (2 Tim. 4:2).

    It's true that 1 Corinthians 13:8 says that tongues shall cease, but the context is in the future, such as at the Second Coming of Christ. When the Lord returns, there will be no need for tongues, miracles or healings, but until he returns, those things are needed. In the present age, those miracles are primarily administered through the Body of Christ e.g. through our hands, our tongues and and our actions. Jesus works through his people and his power is manifested in and through us. What kind of a testimony for the world do we have for him if we live a defeated life?

    When the Lord knocked Saul down to the ground, the Lord said, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? (Acts 9:4b). Saul had never met Christ, yet when Saul persecuted the Christians, he was persecuting Christ because WE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST here in this earth.

    Tongues and miracles will cease at the Second Coming of Christ because there will be no more need for them.

    But the question was asked of you.

    Ah you are Baptist, so you are intimately familiar with Baptist teachings. I am not.

    Are you a seer e.g. did the Lord give you a Word of Knowledge about this or are you simply speculating?

    Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10b) and "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand" (John 10:27-28). Bless God, I have heard his voice. Have you?
  5. Elmer Gantry

    Elmer Gantry New Member

    What Bible are you using, good sir? "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by me." That's pretty plain. Kindly enlighten if you don't agree. Perhaps, however, you are on of those Christians who simply don't read the Bible; let alone know it states. Claiming any other way to heaven is hokey. Don't blame me. Take that up with the One who commanded the words be written!
  6. Elmer Gantry

    Elmer Gantry New Member

    The devil reads the scriptures and trembles, good friend. I have not only heard His voice, I am His child. In terms of tongues, there is great speculation by greater minds than ours that they have ceased. In terms of entrance to heaven, Jesus Christ and his blood sacrifice is the only means by which man is saved. My apologies to the other gods out there. The Great 'I AM' made those provisions.( You have to read the whole thing.) Once you are saved, it will all make sense. You are very much like the fellow who wants to argue with the mechanic simply because he has read the manual. Problem is, YOU ARE NOT A MECHANIC! If the Holy Spirit is not guiding your understanding, the Bible is just a piece of literature. Be honest, now, how many of those ten times have you read St. John????? Be honest!!!!!
  7. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    I first read and committed the KJV bible to memory, but I'm currently reading the RSVCE at the request of my spouse.

    As Father Malichi Martin once said, "If a person has never heard of Christ and if he goes to heaven, it is still through Christ that he goes to heaven."

    Earlier you wrote, "I am afraid, good friend, that all you really wish to do is wrangle."

    Can you please re-state that another way?

    Can you please share a source or a reference to one of those greater minds?


  8. Elmer Gantry

    Elmer Gantry New Member

    Father Martin asked a rather sophomoric question. Following that logic, I'll ask, " Can an astronaut reach the moon without a spacecraft?" Sounds as though Father Martin needed Salvation 101 classes. In terms of the greater minds, I'll have to confer with the ABC staff. Have you been washed in the blood, my friend? You have not answered that question yet. Are you saved? Plainly state an answer. P.S. St. John 3:16 will be a great help.
  9. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    I don't take it as a personal offense of any sort, but if you want to get serious you are in for a rude awakening. Who is it, really, that has not been reading the Bible? Weeeeeeeeeell, now here's a rabbit hole I've avoided ever going down on the internet, but I guess there is a first time for everything.

    It doesn't strike anyone as a little absurd that (according to your dogma, not the Bible) God would team up with his enemy, The Devil, and send people into his lair for punishment? Or that The Devil rewards people who side with him in his rebellion by enacting "justice" on God's behalf? How about that God is almighty yet the Devil, who isn't, was able to thwart His original purpose for the Earth of having Adam and Eve's children live forever upon it? God changed his mind about having humans live on Earth forever and switched gears to bring them up to heaven? He failed to accomplish His purpose? Almighty God failed? Reacted by deciding that people who commit a few decades of sin should be brutally tortured forever???? A just God, you believe yourself to worship?

    Again, that is what your dogma teaches, not the Bible, which does teach that death absolves sin (Romans 6:7), death is the only punishment for sin (Romans 6:23), the dead are unconscious (Ecclesiastes 9:5, Psalm 146:4), both righteous and wicked people will be resurrected (Acts 24:15), and that all suffering will be put to an end permanently (Revelation 21:4) in a resurrection that has yet to occur (2 Timothy 2:18, John 5:28, Acts 24:15, Revelation 20:5) along with Hades itself (many Bibles translate the greek haides as "hell," so I guess you can call it "hell" if you want) , which will give up all of the people dead in it and be permanently done away with (Revelation 20:13,14).

    Take Revelation 21:4 to heart. "Sorrow" "crying" and "pain" surely could not be said to be "no more" and have "passed away" if there exists a special place reserved for billions of people to be sentenced to be burned alive for an eternity without possibility of parole.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2014
  10. Elmer Gantry

    Elmer Gantry New Member

    This is what I mean by mindless sophistry! In while you can quote scripture, you also are letting an overactive imagination take over. Most of which is either taken out of context, or a gross interpretation. Hell was never created for mankind. Those who reject God's plan of redemption are sent there; pure and simple. Don't try to figure the whole thing out. Just trust His plan for mankind. Sounds as though you could use a bit of Salvation 101 yourself old chap!! P. S. Do you like Shakespeare?
  11. Elmer Gantry

    Elmer Gantry New Member

    Farewell, good Johann!! Too bad we couldn't have had coffee sometime.
  12. Elmer Gantry

    Elmer Gantry New Member

    Do you have any idea what a firestorm you have created?
  13. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    He didn't start the fire. It was always burnng since the world's been tuning.
  14. Elmer Gantry

    Elmer Gantry New Member

    Billy Joel would be very upset! That's 'turning', not 'tuning'. I knew what you meant anyway. Have a fine day, old chap!! P.S. What about Shakespeare?
  15. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Too bad, indeed. Especially so, since there are a lot of foreign students here at the College. Perhaps I could have brought some of different faiths along - maybe Shlomo, Ahmed, Raj and Gurdeep. ...and you could have explained how, according to you, they're all going to Hell, without Christ.
    Indeed - that would have been something to see! :firedevil:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  16. Elmer Gantry

    Elmer Gantry New Member

    You're back, dear Johann! You totally misunderstand me. There is no hate speech, no ill intentions at all. I would love to sit down with believers of Shlomo, Ahmed, Raj and Gurdeep, and explain how Christ died for them so they do not go to hell. Salvation transcends race, ethnicity and religion. Christ died for the WHOLE world; not just Christians. Yes, I concede, Christianity is very exclusive. Christ himself said that He was the only Way. Dear Johann, I merely state what Christ stated. Take no offense with me. They are not my words. I also concur that this thread has gone far and beyond inquiry into a school. May Christ enter your heart, Johann. I will pray for you no matter where in the world you are. Perhaps we can still have coffee someday.
  17. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Oh,'ll just be happy if you can make Shlomo (Jewish) Ahmed (Muslim) Raj (Hindu) and Gurdeep (Sikh) into believers in Christ.

    So the God of the Christians trumps the G*d of the Jews, the God of the Muslims and any other monotheistic religion. The God of any other faith is somehow lesser -- so much so, they pointedly don't even rate a Capital letter? Gee - I thought they might be one and the same Supreme Deity! :sad:

    "But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
    Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood."

    - The Animals

    No point.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  18. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    That's not hateful? Reminds me of the time that awful man Jimmy Swaggart told his TV viewers that many little children in some underprivileged country risked going straight to Hell if folks didn't give all sorts of money to Jimmy's current crusade.

    Now I'm done. Really done.

  19. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Not only is it hateful, which is bad enough, but it makes a mockery of what the Bible actually teaches about a merciful, forgiving God. Does anyone really believe that God would sooner forgive David for committing adultery and murder and Manasseh for burning his son alive than for a 4-year-old Jarawa child whose only supposed crime was to have had absolutely no exposure to the Bible in his/her life? Again, sheesh.
  20. Elmer Gantry

    Elmer Gantry New Member

    Dear Craniac,
    You stumbled upon another of the criticisms against Christianity that as is old as the garden.

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