SACR: Wrapped in the Flag and Carrying a Cross

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by SteveFoerster, Mar 11, 2024.

  1. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

  2. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Secret Society, I heard about them listening to radio stations, going back to the 90s. , The issue they raise is opposing the non-traditional feminist movement and the attack on the institution of marriage, among other issues. This secret society is also against any alternate lifestyle. They promote traditional understanding of patriarchal leadership in the household. SACR’s core mission: Initially to create a mini-state within a state, composed entirely of Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Christian men.

    "An Idaho chapter sought to fight back against marriage equality by making stickers representing traditional marriage to compete with the rainbow, pro-LGBTQ-rights symbols which adorned coffee shops in the area."
    They appear to be anti-Democracy force, with aspirations to turn US in to Christian theocracy,

    Per Ryan P. Williams, president of the Claremont Institute and a SACR board member,
    the new regime would be a “U.S. Constitutional order brought much closer to its origins after about a century of what we regard as its corruption and undermining by progressivism, which I regard as anti-constitutionalist in its roots and its evolution.”
    “This shouldn’t be regarded as anything radical or new,” Williams said. “It’s in a long line of tradition of American civic organizations of like-minded men worried about the direction of their country.”
    “Certainly the activity of any members of SACR or any chapters are always meant to be well within the law and constitutional norms of American politics,” he added. “There’s nothing subversive about it. It shouldn’t be regarded that way.”

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