Robertstown closes

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by galanga, Jun 25, 2005.

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  1. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    And you couldn't be more wrong about that.

    Do you mean "entitled?" (For godsake!) :rolleyes:

    And that's a damned lie. Stop it! You don't come here and say, "You know... I'm curious about IUFS," or whatever else a normal person whose motives were as you claim might be likely to say. Instead, you come here with thread-starting posts in which you try to mislead readers into believing that such worthless diploma mills as IUFS might somehow be on the road to redemption because they made some kind of inconsequential, superficial change on their web site. Then, when everyone easily sees right through it ('cause, when it comes right down to it, you're not terribly good at it) and they call you on it, you play the poor, innocent, injured role.

    It's pathetic!

    Your recent screw-up wherein you accidentially responded as "Lerner" to a question written to Azad -- a notorious diploma mill web site designer -- suggests that either you are him or he is you; and if that's the case, it certainly explains why you're so interested in, and coming here to point out, recent IUFS web site changes... changes you probably made yourself, for all anyone knows.

    You're an egregious mill shill, who doesn't deserve to breath the same air as decent people, and not one thing more. And you're not terribly smart, either, we've all noticed.

    Only you would know what this convoluted sentence even means. Moreover, only you would care.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2005
  2. MichaelR

    MichaelR Member

    Have you ever stopped to think that maybe just maybe, he is so used to you hounding him that he ASSUMED you where talking to him?

    Besides, you have given no proof that Lerner=Azad.

    Bruce or Chip care to comment on the matter?
  3. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    Oh, give me a freakin' break!

    I don't have to. This ain't a court of law... and if it were, the standard of proof would be "by a preponderance of the evidence." By that standard, it's lookin' pretty bad. Untwist yer knickers and use your head for two seconds.

    They can't... not without violating every privacy policy ever written on the Internet. And even if they could, they don't care enough. None of us do, really. But we won't let Lerner/Azad lie about it, either. If he/they would simply shut up, this thread would quickly die.
  4. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I will say that I have looked into this matter, so I can report that "Lerner" and "azak" do NOT have any common ISP addresses.

    I'm not saying that proves or disproves anything, but I think this thread has run its useful course, so it's now closed.
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