Has anybody ever heard of Robert Kennedy University of Switzerland? It's not mentioned one way or the other in Bear's book. Although the course of study seems intense and they are under "consideration" for accreditation, I can't seem to find anybody who has a clue about this school. Help, please!
I find them on page 228 of Bears' 14th edition, with very disturbing commentary. Well, disturbing if I hadn't heard it all before. (Emir? Emir? Where are you, son?) "Under consideration for accreditation" has absolutely no significance. In fact, it is disingenuous for a school to say such a thing, implying somehow that accreditation is on the way. There isn't a recognized accrediting agency that would take one look at this "school." They don't even operate from Switzerland like they claim (and don't have legal authority to do so anyway). Stay away. Rich Douglas