Reasonably Priced Assistive Technology MS?

Discussion in 'Education, Teaching and related degrees' started by jimwe, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. jimwe

    jimwe Member

    Can anyone give me some advice on this? Thanks.
  2. Mighty_Tiki

    Mighty_Tiki Member

    Hey Jim,
    I am currently searching for the same. The only one I have seen which is around $24,000 is the one from Cal State Northridge. This one actually specializes in Assistive Tech versus something with a more Special Ed focus. I currently work as an ATP and I would like to get another masters to change careers as I currently am just about done an MBA. I see you did the cert from Dominguez Hills, how did you like it? I'll watch the thread to see if anyone finds any others. Good luck!
  3. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  4. Gabe F.

    Gabe F. Active Member

    If a certificate will meet your needs then you should check out the Information Accessibility Design and Policy program through the University of Illinois:

    It's a total of three classes at two credits each at a cost of $904 per class. These are evidently considered graduate level classes, but the program is a "Certificate of Professional Development" as opposed to a Graduate Certificate.

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