Rare class at the University of Georgia

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Caballero Lacaye, Mar 29, 2001.

  1. Caballero Lacaye

    Caballero Lacaye New Member

    Hi, there!

    Greetings to all!

    Although I cannot verify its authenticity, I came across the following strange information:

    "The students at the University of Georgia have a new course called 'Female Sexuality'. This course has new assignmets that seem to take learning in a new direction. The assignments take a new approach. Some of them include: coloring a book of female genitalia, and also examining yourself with a spectrum, a medical instrument used to view the vagina and cervix. These ones are only offered to women!"


    Best regards,

    Karlos Alberto Lacaye
    [email protected]
  2. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    Oberlin College has, for more than 15 years, offered a course called "Our Bodies, Ourselves" (taken from the feminist book of the same name) that has all of the assignments you mentioned and more... while it may sound outlandish, the course is very popular and always has a huge waiting list and very high satisfaction ratings by students. Like many of the more unusual course offerings at Oberlin, this two-credit class is offered through their Experimental College department.

    There has also been an equivalent course for men, but it is considerably less popular and only offered sporadically. There is also a coed "Human Sexuality" class which is the training vehicle for the student peer counselors that work at Oberlin's Sexual Information Center.

    And I know of at least a couple of other scbools that have similar offerings, although the courses for women seem to be much more common and popular than the ones for men.
  3. Caballero Lacaye

    Caballero Lacaye New Member

    Hey, there!

    I wonder why. By the way, Chip, thank you very much for all your useful information.


    Karlos Alberto "El Caballero" Lacaye
    [email protected]

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