FYI, Abner
An interesting read... to suggest that racists will vote for Obama to prove that 'he wants to give whites a taste of their own medicine' is absurd - but whatever gets him into office... *shrug*
Thanks but no thanks. It is particularly annoying to read a Canadian's opinion on an American presidential race the day before the American election. I like Prime Minister Stephen Harper but would never have insulted the Canadian people by offering my opinion on the eve of their election. Imagine if Americans returned the favor by providing financial support to some radical left-wing Canadian politician who will wreck your country's economy?
Sorry, wasn't meant as an insult but as a tongue-in-cheek comment. ..and as far as the time of my comment is concerned, I don't believe that it has any bearing on anything - eve of an election or not.
I have lectured about the reverse Bradley effect. Which is whites afraid to admit they are voting for Obama.
How is offering an opinion to be compared with Americans providing financial support to some radical left-wing Canadian politician who will destroy the Canadians economy? The USA is notorious for for providing support to despots such as Saddam Hussein, Augusto Pinochet and countless others.
You're a bad guy Goldblatt. I knew that you were a fraud from the very first time I read about you but the blog entry back in June titled "Tim Russert Dead, Who Cares?" was low even by your standards.
"Leland Milton (or Miltong) Goldblatt" is an Internet hoax going back to the days of the old usegroup I believe it was started by a group of NYU students who have long since graduated, so I have no idea who is carrying the torch now. My favorite was when I bagged them using a picture from the FBI's Most Wanted List as "Leland". I see it as harmless entertainment that sometimes inspires serious discussions about unaccredited schools.
Come on, don't you think the coverage of Tim Russert's death was overblown, self-congratulatory and self-indulgent. I guess if you are in academia you would not understand self-congratulatory and self-indulgent. The Reverend Leland Milton Goldblatt one of America’s foremost civil rights, religious and political figures. Over the past fifty years he has played a pivotal role in virtually every movement for empowerment, peace, civil rights, gender equality, and economic and social justice. Goldblatt is President Emeritus of Toe Academy and Georgian Trinity Southwestern. He is adjunct professor of Philosophy at the University serving in the Honours Program there. He enjoys the company of attractive, women. Goldblatt was married six times, and had several mistresses. He had fifteen biological children by his various lady friends, wives, and adopted one further colored child. He had a brownstone in Chicago’s Gold Coast as well as a house on the oceanfront in Cannes , France. As many of his generation, Goldblatt struggled with alcohol, drug abuse and sexual addiction.