RA MBA for $3000? Hellenic American University

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by Acolyte, Jan 28, 2021.

  1. Futuredegree

    Futuredegree Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone I really should be thanking everyone on the forum who takes the time out their day to find such amazing and affordable programs, their great reviews, and feedback this community provides. Through this website and our sister forum degreeforum I was able to get a masters degree from excelsior college in public administration only having to take 3 classes , an Masters in business administration for $3,000 from Hellenic American University , and a Doctoral Degree in Healthcare Administration for $15,000. I am also a current student at Eastern Virginia Medical School DHSc program.
    newsongs, Dustin, Vicki and 2 others like this.
  2. Vicki

    Vicki Well-Known Member

    How did you manage only needing to take 3 classes for the MPA?
    JBjunior and Maniac Craniac like this.
  3. SweetSecret

    SweetSecret Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! As a side note, I like their diploma design.
  4. Futuredegree

    Futuredegree Well-Known Member

    Old requirement use to allow you to transfer up to 33 credits out of 36. That ship has sailed off in 2020 and now they only allow 15 transfer credits. My prior masters degrees were in criminal justice and urban affairs so they accepted 27 out of 36 credits only requiring me to complete 3 courses at excelsior college. Basically I was able to recycle credits and reuse them to make a new degree thanks to the information on the forum.
  5. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Woah... you're saying they let you transfer in credits that had already been applied to another degree?!
    JoshD likes this.
  6. Futuredegree

    Futuredegree Well-Known Member

    Yup learned that from here
    SweetSecret, Maniac Craniac and JoshD like this.
  7. SweetSecret

    SweetSecret Well-Known Member

    That's a pretty high number of transfer credits. Walden allows for that many transfer credits but I have not seen many other schools to do for MBAs.
    Dustin likes this.
  8. Futuredegree

    Futuredegree Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it was when the program started, they were looking for students. To get students to sign up they had a high and generous transfer credit policy which allowed students to transfer courses from other degrees and programs that fit into their curriculum courses. Each student was given an evaluation. I believe I was the student that received the most transfer credits toward the MPA degree. It is funny because after I finished my degree in December 2019, in 2020 they removed the allowance of up to 27 transfer credits and knocked it down to 15. We could say I am to blame for finding the flaw in their transfer credit system but hey what worked for me worked for me.

    As a side note I made a mistake it was actually 30 credits required and 21 (7 courses) transferred in. I was only required to take Capstone, Public Budgeting and Financial Management, and Public Sector Technology. I had to look back at my transcript its been awhile.
  9. Futuredegree

    Futuredegree Well-Known Member

    I have been getting messages about HAU, if you have any questions feel free to ask them here as it may benefit others.
    Maniac Craniac likes this.
  10. JBjunior

    JBjunior Active Member

    Message sent.

    Just kidding. On a serious note, this is a program I haven’t fully considered but it was such a good deal for those that completed it.
    Futuredegree likes this.
  11. Futuredegree

    Futuredegree Well-Known Member

    It is an incredible value for those that take advantage just hope they don’t cut the funding grant which makes the program very affordable at $3,000.

    Just kidding. On a serious note, this is a program I haven’t fully considered but it was such a good deal for those that completed it.[/QUOTE]
  12. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    Yeah, Excelsior had an amazing option back then to transfer in 33 out of 36 credits into the MPA, they then dropped the requirements of the degree to 30 and allowed 27 to be transferred. And in regard to HAU's MBA, for those on the fence, it's a pretty good program from all the feedback I've had on it. If you can get it at $3K USD, it's a steal of a deal...
  13. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    It certainly is. Just don't get caught! Don't want to see any DI members doing a few grad semesters "in residence" at "Felony U." :eek:
  14. Futuredegree

    Futuredegree Well-Known Member

    Finally got my degree framed and up on the wall. Had to order a custom frame but it looks great.

    Attached Files:

    Acolyte, manuel, Dustin and 6 others like this.
  15. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    Congrats, good stuff! Awesome work, looks great as well...
    manuel and Vicki like this.
  16. Acolyte

    Acolyte Well-Known Member

    Fantastic! Congratulations. Love the diploma.
    Futuredegree likes this.

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