Quit the Doctorate or Transfer (if possible)

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by DTechBA, May 23, 2005.

  1. bing

    bing New Member


    Excellent thought. All I can say is that I hope that I can complete it all once I start it. However, I never know if circumstances will change.

    I knew a guy that went to medical school. He sweated a lot through high school, college, and then three years of medical school. He left after his third year and did not complete his fourth.

    That's a lot of work for no MD degree. However, family became more important and he decided that he would jump into the computer boom. He did well over the years, is a manager in a company now, and has a good family life. He had no regrets about it and feels that his time with his wife and children are worth more than his life as an MD would have been.

    Sometimes circumstances change. Is it failure to not complete medical school or a dissertation? Maybe some think so. I don't think I would say that, though.
  2. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    Been accepted...

    Well, I have been accepted to my first choice DBA program in Australia (University of Newcastle). I really like how their classes are more focused on business rather than research theory and they had good international recognition ratings in the Melbourne study.


    Now to decide if I want the struggle.....
  3. Ike

    Ike New Member

    Re: Been accepted...

  4. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Re: Been accepted...

    1. I see they require your MBA to be within the past 10 years; mine is 20 years.

    2. What are the costs?

    3. What residencies are required?

  5. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    University Newcastle

    It appears to be about $20,000. Hard to say depending on how long the dissertation takes. It is approximately $1650 AUD per 10 units of instrudtion and there are 160 units for persons with an acceptable MBA. 240 units for those without an MBA. Maybe they would consider your MBA as you have had advanced studies since that time?

    Their initial email said there were no required residencies. I have emailed them to verify that and for some other questions I have.
  6. Messagewriter

    Messagewriter New Member

    obecve's post above

    Sorry to hear about the trouble, but it would be an awsome achievement to get past the apparent arrogance of your advisor and get'er done.

    Have you discussed this with the department chair or even the school's president? I just seems terrible to flush years away just because of one ...hole.

    Can't you work out some kind of arbitration with the administration?

    Good luck. Hang in there......
  7. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    No trips to Australia

    It was verified today that no trips to Australia are required to complete the DBA at the University of Newcastle. I guess that makes them a 100% online DBA.

    As to wasting my previous study I may not have to. I used a summary of my current dissertation as the summary of my proposed studies at Newcastle and that was acceptd by the business department. At the very least, my current research will make for 2 or 3 great conference papers. As often mentioned here that is important so I view the past research as an important asset to my future.

    Another plus is the school is ok'd for Stafford loans so I can use one to pay for my studies. I am researching that now.

    I have actually decided to transfer to Newcastle if I restart my studies. That is the question today, do I want to dive back in? At the very least, I think I am going to enroll in a class to see how it goes. The classes look interesting so it may be a better experience than I had before.

    I guess I may have to change my handle.....
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2005
  8. bing

    bing New Member

    AUDBA, DBAussie, DBAU, DBAGday, DBAFound..

    Congrats on finding a program!
  9. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Git 'er done....;)
  10. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    I had a similar experience. Doctoral work not going too well. Lots of other things to do. You let the academics go and begin to realize all the things that have been getting neglected. After about eight months I began having these odd academically oriented thoughts again. I sent off an email to my former advisor. End result? I'm back in the game.
    My advice? Take a break. If you really want it to happen then you'll make it happen. Everybody needs some downtime. You've obviously got a lot on your plate. Relax for a while. If you want to pick it up again then you know where to go (bookmark this thread) ;)
  11. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    Nice setup...

    I will probably accept the Newcastle offer. I won't have to start class until October and that is a nice break.

    On another note, I have been looking at how I would accept the offer, pay and register for class. It is all done online and you can pay with a credit card. Their setup is very similar to that of Touro which was a breeze. What a refreshing blast of fresh air that will be after struggling through registration and paying at my last school!

    Also, I have verified that I can use a Stafford to pay for the program. I can do the paperword through the www.iefc.com. All the paperwork with Newcastle can be handled via a fax or attachement to an email. Too bad this opportunity did not exist in 2003 when I started looking for a doctorate...

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