Question regarding dissertation publication

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Jeff Hampton, Mar 24, 2003.

  1. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    My question is primarily directed to Rich Douglas(cc'd by private email), but I thought that others might find the response useful (or be able to give me additional information.)

    I also want to insure that it is clear that this is not a criticism, or even a suggestion, just an honest inquiry.


    As you know, there are many people on Degreeinfo who are eagerly awaiting the publication of your dissertation. You have stated that the document will be available through UMI, which is the norm.

    My question is why you -- or anyone who writes a dissertation, for that matter -- would not make this information publicly available via the web.

    I understand that there are sometimes monetary considerations for possible commercial publication, and maybe that's the explanation. If so, more power to you. It just seems to me that many of the people who are likely to benefit from this information (those who are considering a non-accredited degree, for example) will have no idea what UMI is, nor will they be willing to spend $29.50-$77 to purchase the document. However, if it were possible to point these people to a web site, it could very well have a huge positive impact on many, many lives.

    Again, this is not a criticism, but it would seem to me that if you truly want to keep people from getting scammed by degree mills, you would make this information freely available. I know I must be missing something, but I'm not sure what it is.


    I tried to send a private email to Rich regarding this, but was not able to.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2003
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    A fair question. There are some considerations. First, how many people do this? Some, sure. But let's look at the Degreeinfo regulars with doctorates. How many have put their dissertations on the web? I know of Levicoff, but there might be others. Second, I've never put up a website about anything; I don't think I'm going to start here. Third, the document IS available publicly. Fourth, I'm sure I'll be sharing specific outcomes as discussion threads warrant. Finally, I hope to put it to use elsewhere, but not in a form you might imagine.

    There's nothing to stop anyone from asking questions about it. I'll answer them. (Of course, some a**holes have already questioned my methodology, results, and possible biases without even reading it. Oh, boy, won't that be fun!) People can also borrow it free through inter-library loan. Finally, they can buy it, but I would be shocked to find that.

    Sorry about not being reached by e-mail. I can always be reached at [email protected]. This is reflected in my CP and I've not opted to hide it from view. Again, sorry about that.
  3. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member


    Thanks for your reply.

    Again, I don't mean this as a criticism. Or maybe it's constructive criticism. Anyway, I'm don't intend to be disrespectful, just helpful. I just want to make a few comments on the points you made.

    If you believe that publishing the document for free public distribution would be a good thing, what does it matter what other people do? Why not be a leader? There are many Ph.D. candidates who read this board who might follow your example.

    Why not start here? It's probably the most significant document you have ever produced. Moreover, there are probably many people who would be willing to assist you. In fact, I would be willing to set up a site for public distribution of dissertations related to distance education. I will cover all costs, and provide all techincal support, for posting any doctoral dissertations - RA or not.

    Yes, anyone who is willing to fork out $30 or more will be able to buy it. And those who are members of the academic community will be able to get it through inter-libraray loans. I believe that some of the people who will benefit from it most will not fall in to either of these categories.

    In my view, your fourth point it the most important. There are so many questions asked here (and in other public and private forums) that are now difficult to answer with authority. It sounds like your dissertation will be an excellent document for helping to answer many of these.

    I suspect that nearly all of the "consumers" who are legitimately interested in your study will be primarily interested in the results. It's reasonable that anyone who is interested in the literature review, methodolgy, etc. should purchase a manuscript of obtain one from a library. I'm just not clear on why you would want them to go through this hassle and/or expense.

    I like the sound of that. Good luck with it.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2003
  4. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member


    I don't consider what you wrote (either time) to be critical. As I said, it's a good question.

    I've posted almost 3,000 times on this board. You can imagine the number of times I've gotten myself into arguments I didn't want, but my own personal weaknesses prevented me from avoiding. I don't like being confronted, and I fight back. Can you just imaging the firestorm that will erupt? I, for one, want no part of it. (There are a couple of really "hot" conclusions people might not have anticipated; I didn't.)

    Thanks, but I'll just reference it like I'd reference any other source of information. Others are free to do the same.
  5. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    Fair enough. Thanks for answering my questions, and best wishes.

  6. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Questioned your stuff without reading it? Sounds like normal dissertation research to me. Besides, citation is like publicity: good or bad dunt matter.
  7. Anthony Pina

    Anthony Pina Active Member


    From what I have read about your research on this board, it sounds as though it would be ideal as an article for one of the education journals, such as Innovative Higher Education, the American Journal of Distance Education, the Quarterly Review of Distance Learning or a similar one. Have you considered that route? Then, whenever someone asks, you could simply refere them to their nearest library (or EBSCO Host online).


    Tony Pina
    CSU San Bernardino
  8. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Yes, Tony, I have. I've read each of those and have cited some of their articles in my literature review. While I'm about the last guy to publish a scholarly article (it doesn't exactly fit in with my career path), it is a possibility. There are other possible routes, as well.
  9. plumbdog10

    plumbdog10 New Member

    Why doesn't Jeff write his own dissertation and share it with the world. Rich wrote it, he can do whatever he wants to with it. :D
  10. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    That's why I said at the beginning of my post: "...this is not a criticism, or even a suggestion, just an honest inquiry."

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