Publishing from the journal's perspective

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Helpful2013, May 25, 2016.

  1. Helpful2013

    Helpful2013 Active Member

    Here's something that may be useful for those interested in getting their work published in an academic journal. This is an editor's advice to those contemplating being a journal peer reviewer, and may give some insight into the process, as well as standards for "publishability."

    Guidelines on How to Referee by Thom Brooks :: SSRN

    The author is Thom Brooks, a Reader in Philosophy at Durham University, who also authored the piece on writing for academic publication I linked to at DegreeInfo in this thread:
  2. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I am not an academic and it's not my goal to become an academic so my opinion is clearly skewed but . . . I would prefer, by a huge margin, to have one of my written pieces appear in a magazine like The Atlantic, or Science than in some academic journal.

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