Predictions for Bush second term

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Ian Anderson, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    What does that have to do with anything? My point was that you *claimed* to have never heard of him. Either you are lying, or you are uninformed.

    I didn't suggest that he did. I spoke of some positions elucidated by Tommy Franks and Michael Savage, and noted that they are some of the most prominent conservatives in this country. Not that they are THE most prominent. Not that they speak for the right, or for Republicans.

    I guess, if I were following your "attack plan" I would claim that I've never heard of Michael Moore.

    Yes, it is.

    Nice red herring. Stern is not a conservative, and his show is not about politics. He doesn't write political books that are on the NY Times Bestseller list.

    Even though you have "never heard of him," Savage IS one of the most prominent conservatives in this country. He has 10's of millions of followers.

    Deny it all you want. It exists. It's huge. And it's growing.
  2. jugador

    jugador New Member

    All of this speculation about what will happen in the next four years pales in comparison to the most important fact of all -- Bush will likely appoint FOUR new Supreme Court justices. Given the power of the almost filibuster-proof Republican Senate, liberals can do little more than squeal like scalded pig (something at which they are very skilled). This week, liberalism was dealt a possibly fatal blow in the United States. The generation-long move towards socialism has been irreversibly turned around. The next generation of Americans will live in a country free of devisive race and sex preferences, oppressive taxation, crippling regulation, and environmental extremism. Michael Moore, Al Franken, the New York Times, CBS News, and the Hollywood left can rant until they're blue in the face. The fact is that they are increasingly irrelevant and they know it. That's not an opinion -- it's a simple fact and they must live with it. Liberals and I do have one thing in common though. When the outcome of the election was certain, many liberals migrated to bars to drink themselves silly. So did I. In fact, I even bought their drinks.
  3. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    If I knew I was dealing with a leftist, I would have requested no name calling in this post.

    Don't call me a liar!

    If you know he is number four, you must know who the first three are. I can probably guess that Rush is #1, but I'm curious to know which side of the aisle, if either, numbers 2 & 3 come from. Just a polite question, if you can handle that.

    You compared his book sales to O'Reilly. I was simply commenting on your comparison.

    You call me a liar, then say I'm attacking you?
    Rather than changing the subject, just address the question please.

    No it isn't. Na na na na na.

    I never said any of that. I was simply demonstrating that anyone can have a radio show. That doesn't mean they speak for any one group of people, or that their ideals are shared by many people.

    So now you believe I've never heard of him? Make-up your mind. Why is it that when I disagree with one of your statements you get bent out of shape, call me names, and question my intelligence?
    Sound like you're rooting for him.
  4. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    I didn't.

    You said that Michael Savage "is NOT one of the most popular right-wingers."

    I presented facts to show that, indeed, he is.

    I said "either you are lying or you are uninformed." Frankly, I assumed that you were uninformed. Perhaps I was wrong.

    You know that I did not call you a liar. And I did not say that you were attacking me. You were "attacking" what I was saying. Nothing wrong with that, if you can manage to do it cogently.

    The subject was the quotes made by these prominent conservatives. You changed the subject.

    But to answer your question, I have no respect for Moore. I do think more highly of him than I do of Savage, because Moore does not advocate concentration camps.

    And I never suggested they did. I was simply pointing out what some prominent conservatives have said.

    But explain to me again how having one of the most popular right-wing radio shows in the country, producing two bestselling right-wing books, and being better known that Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity means that he is NOT one of the most popular right-wingers in the country.


    I presented facts.

    You simply deny them. Look the other way. Pretend that it doesn't exist. There was another time in history when people were talking about setting up concentration camps and people looked the other way. I think we all know how that worked out.

    This is so childish. I see you believe in the "I know what you are but what am I" school of political discourse.

    We are talking about setting up concentration camps. This guy has 10's of millions of followers. His audience is growing. And they want to destroy the Constitution and set up concentration camps.

    Yet instead of denouncing them, you deny that they exist and denounce me for informing you of it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2004
  5. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    Here's some info on Savage's growth in the ratings, nationwide:

    Savage Nation

    (By the way, the figure I quoted of Savage being on 300 stations was not accurate. Savage hit 350 stations in February, and is well on the way to 400.)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2004
  6. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    So you ARE calling me a Liar.

    What facts did you present? You said he was number 4 in a Benchmark Survey. Is this the survey you're referring to?

    Actually he is number 5, behind Dr. Laura, Imus, and ......Howard Stern. Where have I heard that name before.

    Also, you said his book was on the NYT best seller list for 30 weeks. According to his website, it has been 15 weeks.

    Who's telling the truth here?

    I was responding only to the O'Reilly comparison.

    Which ones?

    Ah...finally the Hitler referrence. Whenever a liberal gets himself into a corner out comes the Hitler referrence.

    Honestly, I doubt that Michael Savage has the power to establish concentration camps anywhere.

    Gimme a break.

    What post have you been reading? I did denounce him. I called the guy an idiot. I did not deny that he exists.

    The only thing I denounced was your idea that he is a prominent conservative. He may be a prominent talkshow host that happens to be conservative, but he in no way influences the policies of most conservatives or the Republican Party. To say that he does is ridiculous.
  7. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    I said his PREVIOUS was on the bestseller list for 30 weeks. You will also find that info on the same website.

    And maybe he is number 5 instead of 4.

    But just a few posts ago you were claiming that he is "NOT one of the most popular right-wingers."

    Clearly, you were wrong.

    Normally, Hitler references are ridiculous.

    In this case, we are talking about someone advocating discarding the Constitution, the establishment martial law and setting up concentration camps. I think the reference is appropriate.
  8. Kit

    Kit New Member

    Gosh, if two people are going to argue and snipe back and forth at each other can't they at least have distinctly different forum nicks to make it easier for the rest of us to follow? :)

    "grgrwl" ... "gkillion" ....who's the liberal and who's the conservative? I'm not even sure anymore.

    Regardless, on the subject of Michael Savage both sides would do well to relax. I do know who Michael Savage is and agree with others on this thread who said he's an idiot, or at least he sounds that way. The other possibility is that he's simply laughing all the way to the bank while he both inflames the most ardent liberals and makes the most commited conservatives roll their eyes. Ever heard of "urge to kill"? It doesn't mean any actual murder is ever going to take place.

    Two of my dearest friends are on decidedly opposite sides of the political spectrum, both are familiar with Michael Savage. On separate occassions I asked both why they listen to his radio show.

    The liberal's reply: "Because he reminds me why I need to stay passionately angry at conservatives. He says what most of them only dare to think and would never actually do."

    The conservative's reply: "Because it reminds me that I'm really NOT slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun. Nobody actually agrees with that unhinged wacko."

    So it seems that each sometimes listens to Michael Savage for entertainment purposes. An odd entertainment, but the same kind that makes some people fascinated with gory horror flicks. It's the sick, twisted, oddly-fascinating (to some) form of entertainment that no one actually takes seriously.

    So relax. :)

  9. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    No.....I said he is not (your words) one of the "most prominent conservatives". I consider prominent to mean someone who influences policy. He is not that. Nor are the ideas of concentration camps and public torture ideas of mainstream
    conservatives. As much as you would like to convince people they are

    During this entire useless volley of ours, that is all that I have said. You challenged my intelligence and called me a liar. I responded to that. Honestly, your opinion of me personally does not concern me, but you were resorting to the same tactics that I have seen so many times from the left. Personal attacks, accusing me of saying things I did not say, name calling, and massaging facts.

    Again, if Michael Savage were President, that would concern me. But he's not. You act as though the SS will be breaking down our doors tomorrow... I doubt it.
  10. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Hey, Kit!

    Is there such a thing as a "hinged" wacko?
  11. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    Hey, where'd he go?

    Must be writing his concession speech.

    Just kidding, grgrwll.

    Please don't respond... I'm tired.;)
  12. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    I said "But just a few posts ago you were claiming that he is "NOT one of the most popular right-wingers."

    You said:

    Yes, you also said that. But that does not negate the fact that you clearly did say what I claimed. Here's the quote:

    You said it, and now you are claiming you didn't, even though anyone can simply view your earlier post to see that you did.

    I give up. Clearly, I am not smart enough to understand your "logic".
  13. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member


    This guy is inciting stupid Americans into violence against my friends. I realize that to some, beating "fags" and "towel heads" is a form of entertainment. That doesn't make it right.

    This guy is a "shock jock" but he is not remotely close to Howard Stern. Howard Stern offends people by things like playing "anal ring toss." Savage offends people by inciting violence against gays and Arabs.

    Surely, you see the difference.
  14. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member

    Do you know what

    Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Michael Moore, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly and Al Franken have in common?

    They are all loud mouth assholes with no redeeming value whatsoever. They complain about everything, and add nothing but to global warming with the babble. Debate is fine, there are plenty of hard hitter debaters on TV and Radio - but the people I listed don't debate, they just babble about their own agenda's and are only interested in thier own egos
  15. Another 4 years of Bush is Dark Ages Redux.

    Perhaps other countries will develop a containment policy designed to keep the Bush/Cheney brand of democracy from spreading. Just like Stalin warped the original intent of communism, Bush/Cheney have corrupted the basic principles of democracy.

    There needs to be a balance of power in the world.
  16. Kit

    Kit New Member

    Absolutely. Their minds are "hinged" shut like steel traps, nothing gets in.

    But I'm still trying to find a "gruntled" employee.


  17. dcv

    dcv New Member

    That's just crazy talk. Franken is hilarious. Seeing him serve O'reilly his own posterior on a platter at that book convention was worth about 3 million dollars to me (or its equivalent in redeeming value.)
  18. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    Got me!(I'm rolling my eyes now). However, this is not and has never been my point. We only regressed to the "I said, you said" argument when you changed the subject, called me a liar, and brought up Hitler.

    The original, and continued, point to my position is that you are trying to claim that this guy speaks for the majority of conservatives. You also wrote
    I asked you which ones and you ignored my question. There are no prominent conservatives promoting concentration camps.

    This is a typical trick of the left. You take a quote from some wacko and try to claim he echos the agenda of the Republican party. These tricks used to work, but not anymore. Largely because of the influence of Rush and FoxNews.

    I heard James Carville this morning say that the reason the Democrats lost was because they didn't get their message out. I've heard that same excuse every two years since 1994.

    My opinion is the reason they lost is because they DID get their message out. Americans have figured out that the Dems don't have a plan for the country. Their only plan is to criticize the President and scare people into thinking the Republicans want to jail anyone who is not white and straight, give guns to criminals, and force religion down our throats. Oh yeah...and put Muslims in concentration camps.

    So I ask you again grgrwll, Which prominent conservatives have endorsed concentration camps?
  19. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    You give these guys too much credit. Anyone who would beat "fags" and "towel heads" for entertainment probably doesn't need a shock jock to make him act stupidly.
  20. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    I have to agree with DCV. There are more differences than similiarities. Ann C. is listened to more by the left than the right which I find hilarious. Sean and Bill are interesting though both do have huge egos and agendas. "No spin zone"? Give me a break! Michael Moore seems to like portaying lies as reality. Savage is nut case while Al Franken is extremely funny if not balanced.

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