PM Techniques in the household

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Mac Juli, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member


    Great news! I have always been a good housekeeper, and analysing why this is, it turned out that I employ - subconsciously - advanced project management techniques. But you can do that, too! I contacted the PMI and the German Institute of Slowly and Painfully Working Out the Surprisingly Obvious. They were almost as excited as I was and starting April 1st 2025, they will offer my online course "PM Techniques in the household or Zen and the art of cleaning windows". As it is a surprisingly complex topic, no less than 60 CEUs are offered.

    Don't miss it!

    Best regards,
    Mac Juli
    Jonathan Whatley and Johann like this.
  2. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

  3. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    ...what about a nice music track? It's called "Window Washer's Dream"...

  4. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Aprilscherz! Ja? :)
  5. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member


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