Nice search engine. However, some schools listed not accredited or not US schools! Graduate School & Graduate, MBA, PhD Programs & Degrees -
The George Washington University's Ph.D in Engineering Management without GRE (entrance exam). It is a cohort program to be completed in 3 years.
I'm always surprised by the number of requests for masters and doctoral programs that don't require something as simple as a standardized exam as one of the entry requirements.
This is not surprising, there are plenty of posts that call for a cheap, no GMAT, no residency, AACSB accredited, that can be completed in 3 years while holding a full time job, no publication requirements but that can lead to a full time tenure track position at a AACSB accredited school.
I am not asking about an AACSB accredited school. I have two master degrees and just want to learn about school without GMAT requirements. I am not asking about price either
Most AACSB accredited would ask for a GMAT, if you don't need an AACSB accredited degree then you have plenty of choices that require no GMAT including Capella, Walden, UoP, TUI, Argosy just to mention a few. There are few discussions about the use of non AACSB accredited PhDs in this forum and most agree that their use is limited so make sure that this type of degree will satisfy your needs.
The OP is looking for an on-campus doctoral program though, which leaves out Capella, Walden, etc.... Though not a PhD, since the OP said he/she wasn't asking about price, Case Western offers a DM in Management, with the option to "continue" to the PhD: Doctor of Management - Weatherhead School of Management
Exactly. PhD program = comprehensive exams along with the coursework and dissertation in most cases. If you can't do well on the GMAT, comps will give you grief.
FWIW - my GMAT scores were so so, but I did OK in my AACSB accredited MBA program and my online PhD program :cool2:
I just wanted to learn where I can do PHD without GMAT but many guys started to talk about its validity and if I cannot pass GMAT how i can do PHD ) Thanks to Delta and Tekman I will try to find my way through your messages Also there is no relation between GMAT and PHD ability
The reality is that the GMAT relates heavily to PhD ability because in most residential PhD programs, you wouldn't be able to be admitted without taking it. Furthermore, the GMAT tests content knowledge and analytical reasoning. How could these not be related to PhD ability? The GMAT isn't the only factor in an admission decision, but if required, it can provide the admissions committee with valuable information. Its primary advantage is that it is a standardized, norm-referenced exam. GPA cannot be compared "apples to apples" across institutions (or even at the same institution because of different courses, instructors, etc.) because there is no ability to standardize the data. Letters of reference are subjective. Test scores are just about the only criteria that can be used to make effective comparisons. That being said, getting a high score on the GMAT doesn't necessarily mean you would be a good PhD student. Getting a low score, however, may indicate that you lack the necessary preparation for PhD studies.
I would differentiate between an AACSB accredited PhD and a non accredited one. There are plenty of non AACSB accredited schools that will offer you admission as long as your credit card clears. If Emrah has at least 60K in his pocket and is willing to do some work, I'm sure that there are plenty of schools ready to take his money without the "inconvenient" and over rated GMAT. From the ones on campus that do not require a GMAT are: Argosy University University of Phoenix Sullivan University You need to realize that these programs are not "cheap" and are not meant to prepare prospect tenure track faculty members. If all you need is the title "Dr" in your resume, I would try South African schools that are by no means "easy" but do not require a GMAT and are quite affordable.
I would suggest looking at schools in the UK. Decent Universities and most of them strangely survived hundreds of years without forcing their students to jump through "funny" tests.
Unfortunately most of these programs are incredible expensive for non UK or European citizens. I would expect to pay at least 60K USD for any British doctorate. Even Australian doctorates are expensive (not less than 50K). The only cheap option remains South Africa. I just recalled another school with easy admission (no GMAT, high GPA just a credit card that clears), Alliant University has almost open admission to its PhD program. I know someone that finished a DBA at the San Diego Campus and used it to work as a professor in the middle east.