Orlando University and Nations Question

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by DailyNews, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. LearningAddict

    LearningAddict Well-Known Member

    In response to devaluation: while I would disagree with the notion that a tuition-free program is worthy of being devalued just because it's tuition-free, I think at least a possibility can be considered where the outside world (employers, friends) might look at it with some reservation. Granted, those people would have to have knowledge of it being tuition-free, and without a student telling them most people aren't going to do much if any searching to find out... but whenever there is at least something to attack you know plenty of people will. Besides, most people in this country (USA) seem to be dead set on the idea that if you didn't spend a lot on a degree (or anything else for that matter) it's probably junk.
  2. Delta

    Delta Active Member

    I guess we will see soon enough if they hit a Home Run or strike 3!
  3. LearningAddict

    LearningAddict Well-Known Member

    I was told by a prospective student of NU that NU will raise its prices once they gain accreditation. Maybe it might address some of that issue. Nevertheless, I could see this accreditation tango possibly being an economic/personnel issue, because NU's course setup is not dramatically different from many other religious institutions offering RS degrees. It's not like they're offering a course in Satanic Epistles, lol.
  4. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I'm sure that prospective students know all about the inner workings of the school.:sleeping:
  5. LearningAddict

    LearningAddict Well-Known Member

    I don't know about all, but he knew about this one. He forwarded an email to me from Nations which read: "4. Yes, fees will be increased following accreditation." He also forwarded another email which read: "Without doubt, there will be an increase with accreditation." The emails came from two different Nations staffers.
  6. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I mean no disrespect but you're talking about alleged emails from alleged (un-named) staffers and it's not even first hand. Personally I have no problem with the general idea of tuition increasing following accreditation, we've seen it before, but let's use a creditable source.
  7. Maxwell_Smart

    Maxwell_Smart Active Member

    Not sure about the tone of that... but anyway, I'm the one who forwarded LearningAddict the emails after I read a post LA made about Nations. Although I'm not really a prospective student (at least not at the moment), I did email Nations because I was curious about how they do some things.


    and this...


    Note however that they never responded with their names in those two emails, and I do find that strange, but oh well. A third email was sent by an Anastasia Cullum (it was actually the first email they replied back to me with), but that email is unrelated to tuition increase since she didn't address it in that email for some reason (I'm sure it was just a harmless oversight), prompting me to send another email to get an answer.
  8. OpalMoon34

    OpalMoon34 member

    I believe this is the correct one.:fing02: However, the website is of little help as it appears to still be under construction. Nice logo though.

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