Newborn baby needs a name.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by kozen, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. agilham

    agilham New Member

    Only if you haven't read "Good Omens" ;-)

  2. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    Do you get it, or are you asking?
  3. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Parents can never remember their kids' names, anyway. Calling every kid "Hey you!" has the virtue of simplicity.
  4. Tom57

    Tom57 Member

    There's a WNBA player named DeLisha. I always get a chucke when I hear that.
  5. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    I get it. I'm asking if anyone besides the ones who made the references (and me, of course) do. I thought they were funny references, but I don't want them to be lost on everyone. So I was just askin'

    Don't spill it yet. Let's see if others get it.
  6. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    I won't let "...the cat out of the bag." ;)
  7. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    Ha! A near-punning... and a bit of a back-handed hint, I suppose. Very clever!
  8. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    Mulva and Delores references...

    It's been about a week and no one has taken the bait... so it might be time to reveal the meaning of the reference to those who didn't get it already. In short, it's a reference to a Seinfeld episode in which Jerry was dating a woman whose name he had forgotten. He drove himself nuts trying to remember. He even asked George to introduce himself to her when she came out of the bathroom so that she might, in turn, introduce herself to George, but it didn't work because her reply to George's introduction was "Nice to meet you."

    Eventually there was a scene where Jerry and the girlfriend were sitting on Jerry's couch and he was trying to get her to talk about her name:
    • Jerry: Y'know I remember when I was a kid growin up, kids would make fun of my name like you wouldn't believe-- "Jerry Jerry Dingleberry" ... "Seinsmelled"...

      Girlfriend: "Seinsmelled?"

      Jerry: Yeah. What about you? Did people make fun of your name?

      Girlfriend: Are you kidding? They were merciless! What do you expect when your name rhymes with a part of the female anatomy? Of course, not everybody can be as sweet as you are.
    This, of course, made Jerry's brow furrow and either he, or he and George, tried for much of the rest of the episode to figure out what her name could possibly be for it to rhyme with a part of the female anatomy, as illustrated in this scene between George and Jerry in the diner:
    • George: Now let's try "breast"... Celeste... Kest...

      Jerry: No.

      George: Rest... Sest... Hest...

      Jerry: "Hest"? That's not a name.

      George: Wha? Look... you should've just asked her.

      Jerry: I know, I should've asked her.

      George:So, what're you gonna do now?

      Jerry: I dunno. I can't ask her now... I've already made out with her. Once you make out with a woman, you can't very well ask her her name.

      George: Aretha!

      Jerry: Oh, stop it.

      George: Bovary!

      Jerry: Alright, that's enough.
    Kramer then joins them and they talk about something else while George continues to ponder. Then, interrupting, George declares, "Mulva!" to which Jerry replies, "Mulva?" and then it cuts to another scene.

    Later, in Jerry's apartment, the girlfriend is massaging Jerry's shoulders and he tries the name "Mulva" on her to see if it flies:
    • Jerry: Oh yeah, that's the spot...

      Girlfriend: What're you so tense about?

      Jerry: Oh, nothing really...
      [She finds the right spot on his back] Oh that's terrific... Mulva.

      Girlfriend: What?

      Jerry: Mulva?

      Girlfriend: Mulva?

      [Trying to recover, Jerry offers...]

      Jerry: Oh... well... um... my.. my aunt's name is Mulva. She's a masseuse.

      [Shrugging, and nodding in understanding, the girlfriend looks over her shoulder toward the hallway...]

      Girlfriend: I'm going to the bathroom. Be right back.

      Jerry: Oh, good idea...
    When she comes back out of the bathroom she talks about having to leave so she can go see a play; and she mentions the relative she's going with knowing someone who maybe can get them backstage to meet Olympia Dukakis, who's starring in the play... and she leaves.

    Later, after the play, she returns to Jerry's apartment for the final scene of the episode:
    • Girlfriend: Great seats. You could see the actors spitting.

      Jerry: Really...

      Girlfriend: And afterwards we went backstage and Olympia Dukakis autographed my playbill!

      Jerry: Oh... what're you saying? You got her autograph?

      Girlfriend: Yeah!

      Jerry: Do you have it with you?

      Girlfriend: Yeah... it's in my purse.

      Jerry: Let me see.

      [Jerry thinks he sees an opportunity to learn her name from seeing to whom the playbill was autographed; and he starts turning the playbill's pages until he finds said autograph. As he does this, the girlfriend pulls him closer to her, romantically...]

      Girlfriend: Y'know, I really think I'm falling for you, Jerry Seinfeld.

      Jerry: Oh, well, I really think I'm falling for you...
      [Having found the autograph just in time, Jerry looks over her shoulder at the playbill that he's holding behind her and out of her sight, blurting out the name of the person to which it was autographed] ...Joseph Puglia.

      [The girlfriend furrows her brow and pulls away...]

      Girlfriend: I had it autographed for my uncle.

      Jerry: Yeah, I know...

      [Pause... as she squints, a bit, at Jerry and folds her arms as she finally gets it...]

      Girlfriend: You don't know my name, do you?

      Jerry: Sure, I do.

      Girlfriend: Then what is it?

      Jerry: It... uh... rhymes with a female body part!

      Girlfriend: Uh, huh. But what is it?


      Jerry: Um... Mulva?

      [Pissed-off, and shaking her head in disbelief, she starts gathering-up her things...]

      Jerry: Gipple?

      [Even more pissed-off, and her things in hand, she heads for the door; and just before it slams closed after she leaves...]

      Jerry: Loleola?

    Jerry blows out a big sigh of resignation and shrugs his shoulders at the loss of that relationship. He heads for the refrigerator and opens the door, pondering what, inside, looks good to eat or drink. Then, suddenly it hits him. Leaving the refrigerator door open, he runs across the apartment to the open window and, as she gets further and further away he calls down to her on the street: "Delores!"

    [Freeze frame. Cue closing theme. Roll credits.]

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2005
  9. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    So did little Mudflap finally get named??

    Enquiring minds want to KNOW! ;)
  10. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member


    So, do we get to know?
  11. TCord1964

    TCord1964 New Member

    Some people name their kids after the place where they were conceived.

    Although...if I had done that, my oldest son's name would be Chevy...:)
  12. LBTRS

    LBTRS Member

    LOL, good one TCord1964. It could have been worse and been Ford.
  13. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Middle name, "Econoline?"
  14. TCord1964

    TCord1964 New Member

  15. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    Being in the dark... and being okay with that.

    I PMed the thread-starter, kozen, more than a week ago and asked him to please come back to this thread and let everyone know how it turned out. He has neither replied to that PM, nor posted an update here... this, despite the fact that both minutes before my PM, and minutes after -- as well as several times since -- kozen has posted in other threads here (indicating that he's still around). Therefore, it's probably safe to assume that he just doesn't want to share for whatever reason... though he certainly didn't hesitate to as us to. If so, there's not alot we can (or should try to) do about that. It's certainly his right.

    That said -- and in the spirit of giving one the benefit of the doubt and all that kinda' stuff -- we should also consider the possibility (God forbid, mind you, but we should still consider) that something bad happened (i.e., complications with the birth, etc.); and that kozen just doesn't want to talk about it... which would also be his right.

    In any case, we should probably just let it drop at this point. If he comes here and updates us, fine. If not, then we should let that be fine, too.

    Just my $.02 worth... which, as I've lamented many times, my ex-wife would be quick to point out is probably about all it's worth.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2005
  16. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member


    Naw...they probably went with Mudflap and and don't want to have to acknowledge our contribution to the debate! :D

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