National intelligence report

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by tigerhead, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. tigerhead

    tigerhead New Member

  2. wannabeit

    wannabeit New Member

    If the American Indians could rise up and utilized terrorist tacit to get their land back, believe me they would. I don't care what country you come from, no one like to be taking advantage of. Look around, throughout history somebody is always forcing their "moral value" on them. At the same time they are stripping you out of your language, culture, land, etc.

    Whether I agree with them or not. Free choice is the basic human rights.

    Organized religions has created a nightmare for us.

    There is one group that'd never kill in the "name of G**". Can you name them?
  3. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    They were definatly being taken advatnage of while they were flying planes into buildings, blowing up embassys, and attacking naval vessels who were paying to use there reports. Plus I know everyone would rather fight them in NYC or LA than in Baghdad.

    There recruitment may be up, but this is specualtion. Their organizations had there greatest growth during the 90s and we were doing eveything we could to play nice with them.

    Organized religion is only bad if it endorses and encourages violence......Anyone find it funny that muslims responded to the popes statement with more violence...duh..

    Wont kill in the name of god??? Only those who wont belive...But there many that WONT kill because of lets be fair...

    NOTE: Has anyone besides myself had their posts just evaporate into nothing when u press submit???
  4. wannabeit

    wannabeit New Member

    Lou Spahn, I agrees with you on some area. What is the different with Europeans (Christians) forcing their belief systems on countries that they use G** as a reason to take land away, rape the women, childrens and stripped the language and culture. What is the different with Jews (Judiasm) who claimed that G** told them that this is their land and it was ok to kill and take the land away. Now, I am not condoning Muslim views either. But please be honest all of these atrocities has the same thing in common. Flying a plane into the WTC (I am a New York native) was totally F*** up. No question about it. How much different is it from what the other groups has done. Obviously, I don't believe in organized religions. When I hear the crazies talked I get scared. That includes the Falwell (Christians extremist), Islamist extremist, Zionist, these sickos are the reason we're in this quadmire. I will never believe that some G** will say that it was ok to kill and maimed people. What a crazy thought.

    By the way, the Atheists are the only group that has never killed in the name of.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2006
  5. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2006
  6. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    I agree...

    A "wack-job" is a "wack-job"...regarless of what he wears or what he says...

    I think as a whole, not everyone mind you, christianity has grown out of the force you to convert, at least "by the sword" and so has most of the civilized world. Islam SEEMS to be the desenter here on this point. Also, there are extremist of all walks of life, but with 2/3 of the country calling themselves Christians and so few abortion clinics and gay bars burned that I dont think extremism is common in the modern christian churchs. The same cannot be said once again as we saw in London and Buffalo, and in countless more accross the middle east.

    Im not argueing that there isn nuts in all walks of life, the religious nuts being the worst. But the frequency seems to be unbalanced. And please dont hand me the poor and down trodden routine because there are just as many poor christians in africa, and latin/south america or starving Hindus in Indian that face the same situation that do not turn to the same extremes.

    IMHO of course!!!
  7. wannabeit

    wannabeit New Member

    We can all get alone as long as we submit to ones religions. This's I'm not supportive of.

    I'm a good caring and loving person. Guess what, I don't believe in a G**. But to all of the religious zealots I'm am a evil person. Hmmm, how weird is that.

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