Nancy Pelosi pushes a new bill to give Congress power to strip “future presidents”

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Lerner, Oct 10, 2020.

  1. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Oh, you're certainly right about that.
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Lerner didn't say "destroy." He said "serious changes." I don't agree with his premise that the far left is somehow the tail wagging the dog, but he's right about change. That is going to come fast and furious. The minority has suppressed the majority for too long and with too many presumptions about its own righteousness. The times they are a-changin'.
  3. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Turning our country into a Marxist regime would be destroying the country, IMHO.
    SpoonyNix likes this.
  4. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Not only that but also multiculturalism.
    One of the changes that I'm trying to understand is multiculturalism, what national identity will the US have going further.
    In the 1920's immigration policies were favorite toward white people from limited parts of Europe.
    But Multiculturals encourage immigrants to maintain their culture be it Russian, Mexican, Arab, etc... Will this be uniting, it sounds uniting but how unified can a nation remain where are foreign languages forcing their way into our national character? By its very name, it destroys one culture by breaking it into many.
    I think language is a uniting factor.
    So Hispanic-Americans, Muslim-Americans, Korean-Americans, African-Americans, Sudanese-Americans, Bangladeshi-Americans.
    In other words, they do not hold total allegiance to or loyalty as an American.
    In the past "All American." Sports heroes became "All Americans." When you bought a product, it read, "Made in America."
    Everyone spoke English and raised their hands to their hearts while saying, "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God with liberty and justice for all."

    It is the policies of the leaders such as almost open borders that are creating this, be it right or wrong, one party appears to pushing this now, and its on the left side.
    This is related to issues for this elections and choices people make.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2020
    SpoonyNix likes this.
  5. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    My kids are all half Mexican. I feel that I'm very familiar with Mexican-American culture in southern California. I never meet anyone that didn't want to speak English. My wife, who was born in Mexico, was so set on having "American" kids that she refused my urging to teach them Spanish. I think one of the great things about the American melting pot is that we do a great job assimilating immigrants into our culture. I don't see Democrats trying to do otherwise. I don't see this as an issue?
    Rich Douglas and SteveFoerster like this.
  6. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Bill, you aware of groups in Mexico push to reclaim California, end Hidalgo treaty?
    And do you see cars with Mexican flags in CA?

    MEChA and the La Raza movement teach that Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico,
    Oregon and parts of Washington State make up an area known as “Aztlan” — a partly fictional ancestral homeland of the Aztecs before Europeans arrived in North America.
    As such, it belongs to the followers of MEChA.
    Some prominent Mexicans are making the case that Mexico should return to its 1848 boundaries, by eliminating the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo,
    a the treaty that gave the U.S. large swaths of territory in the southwest.
    California has become a sanctuary state, harboring millions of illegal immigrants mostly Hispanic, Latin Americans. And I can't tell how many would like what these groups in Mexico want to achieve.
  7. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    That's because this issue is BS stirred up to frighten gullible nativists.

    Speaking of hearkening back to mythical good old days, at the time of the Revolution, in what would become the U.S. there were as many newspapers in German as there were in English. Immigrants' kids assimilate nowadays, just as they have for nearly four hundred years. Yes, even the brown ones. :rolleyes:
  8. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    I really hope that after the election the silly conspiracy theories will slow down to a trickle. People have to stop using social media to form their world view. Of course, Pizzagate grew into this whole QAnon nonsense so there's not much chance of that going away. I can at least realistically believe that our little community here can go back to ignoring politics for weeks at a time if Biden wins the election? All this tweeting and stirring the political pot everyday by the current administration is getting exhausting!
  9. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Me, too. I grew up there. I agree with your post on all fronts.
  10. SpoonyNix

    SpoonyNix Active Member

    hahaha. "Nothing to see here folks. Leftist in office. Move along."
  11. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure who you're trying to insult. "Leftist" isn't an insult to those who get called that.
  12. SpoonyNix

    SpoonyNix Active Member

    Don't get your feels hurt, I wasn't thinking of "Leftist" as a pejorative. I despise Leftists, but I don't consider the word to be an insult.
  13. SpoonyNix

    SpoonyNix Active Member

    Seriously, though, I just like to poke fun at TDS when it manifests. In a couple of weeks or so the Lefties will have their guy as figurehead and their screeching will die down a bit. That part of it will be nice.
  14. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    I think the Hispanic community in San Antonio is an example of multiple generations of Americans.
    I agree with SCal as well. And of course, there are political forces that instead of uniting are dividing.
    And a nice representation of Hispanics is serving our country in the military.
  15. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    "Feels"? Um, okay. But I thought I was clear that feelings would NOT be hurt with the use of that term. As we know, it is used heavily as a pejorative in ads for conservative candidates.
  16. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    "TDS" is a dodge used in a weak attempt to deflect criticism of the person widely deemed the worst president in our history.
  17. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Oh, it will be bigger than that. Republicans have decided over these past 25 years to ditch all semblance of norms, camaraderie, etc. They do things--most of which are opposed by the majority of Americans--because they have the power to do so. Fine. But should that power switch, expect the experience to be, shall we say, transformative? Yeah, let's go with that.
  18. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Or one of the best presidents in history.
  19. SpoonyNix

    SpoonyNix Active Member

    I don't like Trump. I'm not a Trump supporter. TDS is just fascinating to me. It's so irrational, and yet so widespread. And then this response to the plandemic comes along? It's surreal.

    When I say I hope the USA gets Joe Biden, I sincerely mean it. I hoped Hillary would win in 2016. "Transformative" IS a very good choice.
  20. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Oh, please. Where could you find an unbiased assessment that comes to that conclusion?

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