
Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by Mac Juli, Feb 9, 2024.

  1. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    SweetSecret likes this.
  2. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Any prefix attached to "MBA" can be accurately replaced with "not-an-".
  3. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Of course. And somebody, somewhere, will publish an article on how to take 18 different two-credit thingies and credit-transfer them to some offshore "school," where they'll be transformed into a "real MBA" with "international accreditation," for maybe $8K.

    I can hardly wait.
  4. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Your disdain for smaller countries notwithstanding, I'm not aware of universities in any country that accepts more transfer credit for postgraduate degrees than some in the US.
  5. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    Aside from the terminology, $160 for 2 credits is not bad.
    Johann likes this.
  6. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I have no such disdain. This is just rhetoric and you may consider it dismissed.. I have disdain for a certain breed of university - private schools with legit. permission to award certain degrees in-country. These often operate in certain specific countries, viz. Mexico, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. I can provide a list, as you well know. Certain of these schools sell degrees offshore that they do not have permission to award in-country - and their authorities turn a blind eye, because the money from worthless degrees helps fund the education of their own people - at an affordable cost.

    That's the kind of school. Not disparaging any country. I've had to explain this before -to you. I'm not doing so again. I hope this is the last time I see this false accusation.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2024
  7. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    No - it isn't bad at all. Is there a way I can get more credits from them, at $80 each? :)
  8. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    Johann likes this.
  9. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

  10. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    "EMBA" as in "Executive MBA" might be an exception (that proves the rule).
    Jonathan Whatley likes this.
  11. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    These are continuing education units (I think), most of the time may not be worth graduate credit. It really depends on the receiving institution... Not bad if you can get two graduate credits for just $160...
    Vicki likes this.
  12. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    There are a few PEMBAs, Physicians' Executive MBAs. And IMBAs for International MBAs. And in a separate usage the iMBA from Illinois Gies.
    Mac Juli likes this.
  13. JoshD

    JoshD Well-Known Member

    Aside from Quantic, most Executive MBA programs just list “Master of Business Administration” on the diploma.
  14. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Right - if we're talking solely legitimate universities. Shady operations are different. Ask Slim - the real Slim, that is.
  15. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    The credits are from Fresno Pacific U - WASC accredited. How can they be European ECTS? Take another look. And no - the way they're advertised, I don't see how they could be CEU's either- or they'd say so. This is not a crooked outfit.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2024
  16. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Your gratuitous "offshore" jibe suggests you don't realize that there are shady operations in large, high income countries.
  17. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I didn't say ANYTHING about "offshore" - in that quote, the one you just responded to. There are non-legit uni's everywhere, including the US - but your remark about generous credit transfer in US was true - and I think it applied to legitimate universities only. And (sigh) AGAIN - in the previous post, I said "offshore," alluding to certain schools in three countries, just so you didn't flip over "Mexicostaragua" again and accuse me of hating every place "from Tijuana to Terra del Fuego." (Your words.)

    The fact is - there are indeed bad schools in the US, but the situation is far better-policed than in the beginning days of DI. I'm sure you know that. There are people around here - right on the forum, who have been after "fast easy cheap" routes to their desired credential, and have fallen prey to outfits in these 3 countries. One of the Costa Rican schools has been said to be under remote control by crooks - based in Latvia, Arizona, or both.

    As a last resort, here's a partial list of the "usual suspects," as I see them:

    Universidad Azteca

    Costa Rica
    UNEM (Universidad Empresarial)
    Universidad San Juan de la Cruz

    Universidad Central de Nicaragua

    Please - no more mistaken accusations. If you need 'em, look for valid ones. I got plenty.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2024
  18. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    "Continuing education " usually means distance ed. or night school, for adults of all ages. Universities use the term for degree and non-degree courses. It does not necessarily mean CPE (Continued professional education.) That's the sort of thing you have to take a certain amount of every year or so, to satisfy the requirements of a professional association. And those courses - yes, they're measured in CEUs - continuing education units.

    And there's very little chance - pretty well none - of CEUs ever being made equivalent to college credits. Anywhere. There's a relationship between the required contact hours; I believe one college credit requires the contact hours of 1 1/2 CEUs - but the contact hours alone won't get you any college credit.

    Anyway, I'm pretty positive Fresno Pacific U. is talking about Continuing Education in the broad sense. And credits in the college sense - not CEU's. But if you want to sign up -- I suggest you verify that with them.
    SteveFoerster likes this.
  19. Vicki

    Vicki Well-Known Member

    This is continuing education - NOT COLLEGE CREDIT. It is worth two units of continuing Ed targeted at teachers.
    Johann and MaceWindu like this.
  20. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    Oh...? At "coursenvy", they say these are college credits.

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