Merely an honest question, not looking to press any hot button issues.

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Abner, May 26, 2012.

  1. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    First off, I don't give a shit where he was born, that point is moot. He's not doing what he promised and is not a very good president IMHO. That being said, Bruce and Ryoder did not say what is underlined above. You did. Strawmen one and all. These people contend that there is some evidence that Obama is not a US citizen. Nothing more and nothing less. You adding on the snark filled Ed Schultz-ian strawman shows your contempt for the conversation.

    You can start there.

    And has there every been a less honest thread title in all of DINFO? Honest question? Not looking to press any buttons? Riiiigggghhhttttt.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2012
  2. mcjon77

    mcjon77 Member

    You know what, you're right. The last part was over the top. I didn't mean to imply that Bruce or ryoder thought that Obama was a Kenyan born Muslim sleeper agent attempting to yada yada yada. If folks took my statement as implying that either Bruce or ryoder have views that extreme, then I apologize. It is just that once I started looking into this birther movement and actually begin to assess the massive, trans-oceanic/continental, decades long conspiracy that would have had to have taken place for it to be true, it just seems absurd. Now, did ryoder or Bruce ever claim that there was a massive, trans-oceanic/continental, decades long conspiracy? Of course not. But how else would it have been possible?

    The problem I have is that I just don't understand the thought process, other than being misinformed. I personally believe that a significant portion of the birthers need to just be honest and admit that there is ZERO evidence that could EVER be presented which would prove to them that Obama was born in the US. Of course, that will never happen, and that is fine. What is disturbing is that so many of these mistruths get spread to rational, educated people.

    I guess that what I would expect someone to do when considering one of these theories is ask themselves "If this is true, what else would have to be true for it to have come about?" Once you go down that rabbit hole , the whole thing falls apart.
  3. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    But I disagree with Obama's policies which makes him a bad person which makes him different than me because I am a good person because I have different political beliefs and I am an American but he is different so he must not be an American because I am a good person and he is not.

    Furthermore, every last shred of evidence that actually exists shows that he is a citizen- WHICH PROVES THAT THERE IS A CONSPIRACY! How is it possible that there is no evidence proving that Obama was born outside of the US? I find that highly suspicious.

    Lastly, look at him! He doesn't look American, at all! Definitely not Hawaiian. And Hawaii isn't even a real state- that's a conspiracy, too.
  4. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    And rightfully so. Is there really room for an intelligent discussion on this topic? Is it now just a "matter of opinion" whether or not a simple fact is even true or not?

    First of all, how is it that such a ridiculous non-issue could possibly be a hot button issue? Maybe Abner expected more class than he has been answered with. Maybe Abner thought that an education forum would yield a more reasoned discussion than the YouTube comment section. Or maybe he is a part of the conspiracy?

    By the way, if more than one person even bothered to address the question that Abner actually asked, this thread would look a whole lot different right now.
  5. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    OK, we get it.

    Who on here said Obama was a bad person?
    Who on here said he was different from us?
    Who on here said I have different political beliefs and I'm 'merican?
    Who said he's different and therefore not an American?
    Who on here said we are good people and Obama is not?
    Who said Obama does not look 'mercan?
    Who said he does not or does look Hawaiian?
    Who, and this is getting old, said Hawaii is not a state?

  6. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    There is no room for intelligent debate on this because IT DOES NOT MATTER!!!!. Obama is the President. I support him and so do a lot of other people who didn't vote for him. I want him to succeed. I want him and his family to be healthy. I want him to acknowledge that his ideas and policies are not working and that maybe he could try something else? That's all. This issue is dead for me.

    Yes, I think it is a non-issue. Donald Trump? Really? We're talking about Donlad Trump? The guy with the hot daughter and stupid TV show? That Donald Trump? It's a hot-button issue because it provides a way to snark in some "points" on Romney. That's why its a hot button issue. Threads devolve in the way they are going to no matter what. Participate or not that is your choice. You can't frame everything to your liking.
  7. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

  8. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

  9. LearningAddict

    LearningAddict Well-Known Member

    Of course, like all U.S. Presidents, he's just a cog in a wheel much larger and much more powerful than him. Politics is a lot like pro wrestling, the storyline is always: the federation press creates a good and bad side; the situation is in dire circumstances; current guy is the bad guy; new guy is the good guy; good guy wins the title; good guy becomes bad guy; another new guy is the good guy... and on and on again and again.

    When you see the characters on stage always change but the core direction remaining the same, at some point you start to realize that there is a greater agenda at hand; what that agenda is is up for debate, but it's certainly been demonstrated beyond a doubt that it's not in the best interest of anyone other than themselves. And the guy they bring in is nothing more than a spokesperson playing a part. 4 years from now, the same complaints will be made again about the same issues while gearing up for the next actor to take center stage and keep the perpetual cycle of BS going.
  10. edwardlynch

    edwardlynch New Member

    I think Donald Trump will do anything to keep himself in the news.

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