Looking for a fast accredited degree

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by seekdegree, Aug 7, 2001.

  1. seekdegree

    seekdegree New Member

    I am a Human Resource Director at a Fortune 500 company but I have not finished my undergrad. Obviously, having a degree would help my career but who has time to attend classes!? Any recommendations on a highly accelerated program??

  2. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    The amount of time it will take to earn a degree will vary with a few factors, such as prior credit, life experience, and your motivation. For a super-accelerated approach, check out "BA in 4 Weeks" by Lawrie Miller.

    The usual suspects for those seeking a fast, legitimate degree are what is known as "the big three";

    Thomas Edison State College- http://www.tesc.edu
    Excelsior College- http://www.excelsior.edu
    Charter Oak State College- http://www.cosc.edu

    All of those are regionally accredited, and any would be a good choice. What field of study are you interested in?

  3. Smudge

    Smudge New Member


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