Kennedy-Western University

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by mjomran, Apr 12, 2001.

  1. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Those really are good looking diplomas. I didn't even pick up my diploma from UC Berkeley. But if they had looked as nice as those I might have coughed up the few bucks they wanted to send it me.

    The problem is that the more worthless the diploma the nicer they seem to make them look.
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    This does seem to be the case: my RA BA diploma looks decent; my RA master's diploma is white stock paper with flat black print, nothing fancy; my RA D.Min. diploma has some gold artwork in the border, but again, nothing elaborate.

    Could it be that the legitimate schools designate most of the tuition fees for substantive course work and a credible degree, and only a few pennies for the diploma? While the other schools designate most of the tuition fees for the administrator's wallet, $0 for a credible degree, and about $50 for the diploma? The diploma, then, becomes the objective, not a credible degree!

  3. Gerstl

    Gerstl New Member

    True for non-professional degrees. I am, to be honest, somewhat miffed that my PhD and my wife's PhD are 8X10s while her law degree diploma will be HUGE. Of course the huge diplomas are only awarded by the law school, med school and dental school.

    Glorified Bachelor's degrees [​IMG]
    Oh well.
  4. drwetsch

    drwetsch New Member

    I actually liked their accreditation statement, "This particular university has an Accrediting Association of its own through which the awards are stimulated, strengthened and substantiated. This Accreditation Association will confirm your awards to any inquirer."

    I wonder if the stimulation of the award is the beautiful "stimulating" diploma. Later on the page they also state that they do not provide an accreditation address.

  5. bing

    bing New Member

    Yep. I guess patients/customers need to be able to see it when they go in for checkups and teeth cleanings.
  6. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    The last few years around Christmas time, they've been selling these really nice diploma frames in the mall. The frame is a mirror with a scene from the appropriate university engraved in the mirror. They had pictures for hundreds of schools. It would make your plain 8X10 diploma look really nice hanging in your office.
  7. bgossett

    bgossett New Member

    This could be a real boon for those who "graduated" from schools with unusual campuses:

    For Earlscroft alumni, an etching of February Automation's facility on Turney Road in London.

    For Trinity C&U alumni, an etching of the Mailboxes, Etc. office in Sioux Falls.

    For Capitol U. alumni, an etching of Kristiaan's den in Antwerp.

    The happiest graduates, I would imagine, would be from RKU. The rented castle campus would make an impressive etching.

    Bill Gossett
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Or Northwestern International University, Ltd., whose campus would be an etching of two telephones, one labeled Cyprus and the other Denmark. [​IMG]

  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    The three "S" words of degree mill academia:

    Stimulus: The motivatation to disregard all rational logic, ethical standards and common sense to pursue a degree mill degree.

    Strength: The ability to cast off all restraint, reason, coherence and mental aptitude for the purpose of pursuing a degree mill degree.

    Substance: Obtaining a diploma made of the finest material, craftsmanship and quality printing currently available, knowing that this is the only substance that a degree mill degree will ever enjoy.

  10. bgossett

    bgossett New Member

    U.K. Trinity C&U, on Substance:

    "The certificate is A4 in size and printed on extremely high quality parchment paper. It has a raised, embossed seal and tag. It will be signed by the Dean of Studies."

    For an additional $51, they will provide a legal declaration of authenticity.

    Bill Gossett
  11. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I once knew a guy who'd graduated from The Union. He had a huge frame made for the diploma. Surrounding the diploma were engraved replications of his other four degrees. It looked really cool.

    Rich Douglas
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    My B.A. is plain black printing and black latin script. The only color is the seal. My M.A. at least has some color to it. I remember one of my graduate school classmates terribly worried that the diploma would be large and thus look tacky.

    I remember a professor I had in undergradute studies whose Th.D. was from a Trinity Seminary in Canada (completely legit & high church). If I remember correctly it was a very large dilpoma.

    I guess you never can tell. I am somewhat surprised about BYU's diploma. A school with such a good reputation that one would expect more quality in the diploma.

    Remember, it is not the size that
    counts [​IMG]
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I think North is on to something here. Would it really matter if the diploma was a 36" X 36" diploma which would make Rembrandt blush in terms of its beauty? Or if it was a credit card sized, laminated, pocket diploma?

    The issue: what do I do with the education, and is it legit. [​IMG]

  14. uxu

    uxu New Member

  15. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    This thread just got me looking at my recent Masters diploma. It's OK, but not spectacular.

    But after saying that the CSU Trustees had conferred the degree on me, it says "With All Rights and Privileges Pertaining Thereto".


    Maybe it's because I was a distance education student, but nobody told me about any rights and privileges.

    But perhaps I can see a use for a credit-card sized laminated pocket diploma. You could use it to get discounts at the supermarket. And if you are ever pulled over by the police for speeding, just flash your diploma and I'm sure the officer would jump back and say "Sorry sir. I didn't know that you had a degree!"
  16. porky_pig_jr

    porky_pig_jr New Member

    You know, for this particular purpose you can get the title of Reverend or something like that for 25 bucks from Universal Life Church. And Dr. Div., for another 25 bucks. Keeps the card 'Rev. Dayson' on your windshield. Use Dr. Div. as an emergency backup. And now - FULL SPEED AHEAD!
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Actually, in earning two of my degrees I received not only the diploma, but also a wallet sized replica which was laminated and could be carried in one's wallet. I needed a magnifying glass to read it though.

    Sadly, it didn't work with the police officer. When I flashed my laminated wallet size doctoral diploma, he said "Wow, you have a doctoral degree." As he was writing the speeding ticket he said "Now what was your mailing address, Dr.?" [​IMG]

  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Man, I want me one of them there diplomers. Them things are nice! [​IMG]

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