Kamala Harris Coded Support for Hamas Boosts Anti Israel Left (NY Post)

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Garp, Jul 23, 2024.

  1. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

  2. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    Apparently, she won't be attending Prime Minister Netanyahu's address to Congress (normally would be there). And so it begins.
  3. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    So, releasing anti-Islamophobia strategy threatens Jewish lives? This is both profoundly stupid and blatantly biased. Your high intelligence standards ate NOT on display here, Garp.
  4. Vicki

    Vicki Well-Known Member

    Knock it off Garp. Intelligent people aren’t conned by MAGA garbage. You aren’t going to win any points for Trump here. Or perhaps you just want to stir the pot… and I fell for it. Don the Con will never win my vote. No way, no how.
  5. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    NY Post is MAGA?

    You may not like what I posted but that doesn't make it garbage. It may make you uncomfortable dealing with reality. Which of course you don't have to deal with.
  6. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    It is garbage because the article does not imply, and barely even asserts, it's incendiary title. Yellow "journalism" at its worst.
    Speaking of intelligence: you promoting this idiocy means that either your intelligence is quite low, or you think your readers' is.
  7. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    And yeah, at this point NY Post is MAGA. You didn't know that?
    SteveFoerster likes this.
  8. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Is that a serious question? If so: yes.
  9. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    Are you a jerk in real life? Or you just play one on social media when you run off at the mouth. Somehow I don't believe you are a faithful Eastern Orthodox person or at least you fit in the category of those who I've encountered that are bigoted, ethnocentric, machismo loud mouths. Think you said you live in Canada which is an appalling thought given the reputation of Canadian.

    You need to go live with the Moscow patriarch.

    If we were in person you would be a little more respectful or certainly be quickly brought up short. Oh ye keyboard warrior.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
  10. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Islamophobia is a term for masking Jihad. Jihadists love it.
    We whiitnessed huge rise in Political and violent Jihad all over the US and the world.
    To be anti Jihad is not Islamophobic.
  11. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Wash post
    "DNC powerbrokers anointed Vice President Harris as nominee, just as they had anointed Biden earlier. Voters were not allowed to have a say, which is ironic since the party is named after democracy itself.

    Kamala Harris' nomination was hardly democratic
    For her part, Harris has a poor track record with American voters."
  12. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    What a gratuitously stupid complaint. Voters did have a say: they chose Biden, but then Biden stepped down. There is literally no possible mechanism by which the Democrats could have gone back to the voters for another consultation. The delegates that voters elected over the last six months will have to act at the convention, and then voters get another say in November.
  13. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    I believe Black Lives Matter (BLM) said they could have had an electronic (virtual) primary. Not sure that was feasible. A Democrat (as I recall) complained that they could have at least opened the process up to encourage people to step forward and run. They didn't. Debbie Wasserman-Shultz was on NPR immediately shutting that down as was another person by stressing how disloyal it was to the party (paraphrase) and that they needed to come together around Harris to not have a chaotic convention. The person noted chaotic and lack of unity results in them losing.

    If that was public, I imagine privately the whips went to work keeping everyone in line. And people lined up quickly.

    There wasn't really a chance.
  14. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    I quoted some opinion piece, here is more.
    "The first question: Why didn’t Biden agree to serve only four years?

    His 2020 campaign did everything but promise a single term, and evidence of his diminishing physical stamina and mental fitness had only ramped up over the past six months.

    If the president wouldn’t willingly step aside, party leaders should have pushed him out after the 2022 midterms instead of four months before Election Day. (One particular opinion writer suggested so at the time.)

    full support for Biden in March 2023, despite 58% of its base preferring someone else. They rushed him through the primaries and tried shaming voters who preferred another candidate or left their ballots blank. "
  15. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Why? Because trying to kill a king, even an ailing king, is an act of bravery, and politics is a game that rewards cowardice.
  16. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Contrary to what one might hear on Fox News or OANN, BLM doesn't run the Democratic party. Besides, arranging a free and fair nationwide primary online with this little warning would be impossible, and that's a word I don't use lightly.
  17. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Extremely poor arguments, IMHO. The goal of most Democrats is to prevent Trump from winning. As for myself, I like living in a democracy and Trump wants to end democracy. Since our primary goal is preventing Donald Trump from destroying our democracy your complaints make zero sense. The actions taken by Democrats have all been in serving that goal of saving our democracy. If you don't want to live in a democracy then may I suggest that you move back to Russia?
  18. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    It is a given FACT that any sitting President that wants to become the candidate for their party for a second term will get the nomination. That is just the way the system works in the USA for both parties. PERIOD.
  19. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    What if majority of the party wants another candidate, should they be suppressed "RUSSIAN" style.
    Not very Democratic isn't it?
    Just asking.
  20. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Do you have any shame? You know full well that's not what's happening here. Democratic party dissenters are not being thrown out of windows, having their tea or underwear poisoned, or just disappearing. If there were some groundswell of support for some other prospective nominee that were being suppressed that would be one thing, but there isn't, and despite your love for dubious news sources, I think you know it.

    You're not "just asking": you're purposefully asking a leading question hoping that it makes your point for you without you having to commit to it.

    Anyway, again, there was no way to organize and run a nationwide primary election in the time allotted, so the reasonable alternative is to allow the delegates -- who are there via a democratic process, remember -- to decide on behalf of those in the party.

    And we all know that if this were happening on the Republican side you wouldn't complain a bit, so please stop the BS.
    Bill Huffman likes this.

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