Is there a Cheaper DBA than....

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by ShotoJuku, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. ShotoJuku

    ShotoJuku New Member

    Columbia Southern University @ $295 per credit ($885 per course) and I believe books are included?

  2. Vinipink

    Vinipink Accounting Monster

    Not in the US. Aside from State University.
    Except NCU was $855 per course for an RA Doctorate:
    Required you to pay in advanced and to be in the qualifying list of partner (LE etc..)
  3. makana793

    makana793 New Member

    Hey folks, I'm just wondering with the acquisition of NCU do you think they'll change tuition rates? I'm in the CAGS right now and I'll probably me moving into a DBA soon. The reason I ask is that the winning factor for me with is the military discount. Without that I wouldn't be able to continue.
  4. Vinipink

    Vinipink Accounting Monster

    Of course they will, tell me of a college that has not change their tuition. With NCU you have the opportunity to lock in the rate, if you pay in full. At least for three years for students that started in 2008.
  5. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    A college provides the work for you to do -- and you provide the tuition and labor

    Now that NCU is established, their tuition will do nothing but rise rise rise as the years go by. When they first received regional accreditation, their tuition jumped immediately. Will they ever get as expensive as the other online institutions? Dunno, but the sky is the limit and now that Rockbridge owns them, future tuition hikes will undoubtedly come. The more established a for-profit institution becomes, the more expensive it becomes. It's all about supply and demand. They supply the work for you to do -- and you supply the tuition and labor. LOL :eek:
  6. ShotoJuku

    ShotoJuku New Member

    Are these figures correct?

    NCU - $525 per 81 credit hours = $42525 + Books ($3000) Total $45525.

    CSU - $295 per 61 credit hours = $17995 + Books (INCLUDED) Total $17995.

    That's a difference of $27530 !!! :eek:

    Is there a cheaper DBA than CSU? :confused:
  7. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Brian, aren't you law enforcement? If so, NCU has a considerable tuition discount which makes them very comparable to Columbia Southern.
  8. ShotoJuku

    ShotoJuku New Member

    Yes, I forgot about there LE discount. It seems to take it down to a total cost around 25K.

  9. bmills072200

    bmills072200 New Member

    Being that Shoto is in Law Enforcement, he may just be able to do what the Charlotte Chief of Police did and take 2 courses and get his doctorate from Harvard... :rolleyes: ...kidding of course
  10. le_vietlong@yahoo.

    le_vietlong@yahoo. New Member

    How about me?
    I live in Vietnam and I would like to know an online lower tuition university (for DBA) than Columbia Southern University
    To Vinipink: CSU is an online US-base university accredited by DETC (good enough for me).
    To Shotojuca: I am attending a distance CSU MBA in Hospitality & Tourism with classes in Vietnam (in co-operation with a member belonging to Vietnam Ministry of Education & Training). I have been looking for a low-cost DBA & recognized that CSU has still been the cheapest one up to now. Please, share info if you know a cheaper one (pls, pls, pls...)
  11. ShotoJuku

    ShotoJuku New Member

    Sign me up!!!! :D
  12. dlady

    dlady Active Member


    The more established an institution becomes, the more expensive it becomes. ...

    You will find tax status a small differentiator in the supply demand equation..
  13. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    In the slang of this forum, many people use the term for-profits to refer to the tax status of colleges and universities e.g. as for-profits become established, their tuition rates seem to have a correlative rise.

    It appears that for-profits frequently have higher tuition rates, although there are some not-for-profits with equally high tuition rates.
  14. dlady

    dlady Active Member

    Actually no, unless you have research to support this, this is a “common misconception” I believe. For example, most DETC schools are for profit yet most DETC schools are less expensive than RA counterparts (hence the example stated in this very thread). NCU is for-profit yet offers very low RA DL doctorial tuition, compared to many not-for-profit counterparts.

    I do believe your premise is correct with the small modification that there is a correlation between the establishment of a school and higher tuitions. Narrowing it to tax status is an unnecessary fallacy, and misleading IMHO.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2008
  15. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    I would never include DETC schools in the equation that you referred to. Additionally, I always point aspiring students to regionally accredited institutions, due to their greater utility.
  16. dlady

    dlady Active Member


  17. Vinipink

    Vinipink Accounting Monster

    You can get books half of the price by buying the International version.
    Yes you forgot to include the LE discount, but I saw that you rectified.
    RA will have more utility than NA. But DETC is an accredited option.
    With the DETC from CSU you may be able to get student loans.
  18. Vinipink

    Vinipink Accounting Monster

    I have an MBA in Finance from CSU(It was also good enough for me) but I am also aware of the limitations of it.
  19. Vinipink

    Vinipink Accounting Monster

  20. Vinipink

    Vinipink Accounting Monster

    This assuming you don't have a master's and take the LE discount, if you have at least 30 credits to transfer then you are looking of cost of $ 26,775 + $2,200 (dissertation fee)+ $3,000 (Books)= $31,975.

    In my case ( I got LE discount and paid in full) the whole thing would come about approximately $16,710.59 +/- (I added the dissertation fee of $2200 and the external reviewer fee of $1,200).

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