and what's with this Ball State thing? Indiana's online schools fall short but are allowed to carry on | 2016-12-16 | Indianapolis Business Journal |
Yes! I am going to have to dig - I read an report as far back as 8 or 9 years ago, comparing homeschooling to the (then) new trend of virtual public high school. Virtual high school tanked - I mean bad- on test scores and student success. I didn't save it because I'm not into public school shaming. K12 is the big player here, and in my little homeschool world, there is more and more overlap between virtual high school and homeschooling. Parents who have teens doing virtual high school almost ALWAYS call themselves homeschoolers, even though that's probably not the correct term (depending on their state of residence) and so I've had an opportunity to interact with more an more in the past years. It's very very popular. Their main marketing effort is not with the "troubled youth" it initially appealed to, but to HOMESCHOOLERS. They advertise free microscopes, free computers, etc. They are trying very hard to capture the HS market, and I think they are being relatively successful..... and the parent usually comes away mid-school year unhappy.
Online Distance Learning school not famous in India . Because of all the parents wants their child got good eduction from good school. should be multi talented and face all the challenge in their life according to the situation never lack down in this high competition world. You can say school is one of the best life cheaper for the child they learn new things , gather new knowledge , make good friends ETC.
This is not an Indiana thing. I know Ohio is dealing with this and it is probably being experienced elsewhere nationally. It isn't that there aren't good charter schools or other non-public options. However, the expansion of non-public options hasn't always been met by an expansion of the mechanisms of oversight.