I admit, I'm recruiting

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Sallygal, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. beachhoppr

    beachhoppr New Member

    Oh I know, I was being sarcastic.

    But in your case, anything it possible. I have a friend who was also a Ranger who is now a software developer (interesting jump).

    I was discharged from the service in Jan. 2004 and I left all the medic stuff behind me to go back to photography. Pretty models are so much more appealing than putting in tracheal stents!
  2. jpquinn

    jpquinn New Member

    Re: Re: Re: "I admit, I'm recruiting"

    Man, you guys are REALLY touchy! I thought that I made it clear that I was kidding, smiley face... No, you’re not a shill, gez. And let me tell you something, back and forth correspondence or not, I don't like what’s been transpiring today I can tell you that, it's all negative, and I don't know why, but folks sure seem to be on edge, take things the wring way or for the way it was intended.

    Kaplan costs are posted on their website, there are no hidden fees. And, I've been trying hard to find how all the online Universities rank/rate/weight, but can't find any unbiased information, at best it's incomplete and biased and some of what I've read is just not rue, not about Kaplan, but about others that info was available. And I disagree, Kaplan is as good as all the top online institutions, that is based on my, of course biased, research of pouring through a ton of literature of the top 25 that was sent to me, calling and asking questions, making a decision tree, etc.... What qualifies you, as you said, to say that they are not worthy so-to-speak? I'm really interested in knowing.

    I'm truly sorry to hear your experience about Regis, (perhaps I misunderstood your post) I had a similar experience with Amberton, but not because it was hard, yes it was tough, but for other reasons that’s too long winded for the here and now. I really like UOP, but they dorked up my credit transfers and didn't say anything, until I called; only to find out they knew it for weeks. I am glad that you could find a place (degreeinfo.com) and the people that frequent to help change your mind and continue on and acquire your degree. None of that is easy, I've had a hard road (and still do) for different reasons from yours and know that certain things are very hard to overcome, if at all. You have made it and acquired a degree, congratulations. Really, I mean it and I’m most envious.

    mdg1775, only time will tell if I'm what you think you have pegged me as. I certainly hope to prove you wrong on that account.
  3. jpquinn

    jpquinn New Member

    Where is the big money in photography today? And I don't mean working for Playboy, something more "regular" realistically commercial if that’s the right way to say it. It may be boring, but I hear wedding photography can bring in big bucks, but I'd like to hear your input.

    BTW, Whatever happened to the mom & pop shops for photographic work? In my parts that have all but disappeared, and now it's the outrageous priced big names that handle things like the high school photos for the year book and extras for the parents that want a big picture on the wall at home.
  4. beachhoppr

    beachhoppr New Member

    You have to lock yourself in a market to make money. In my case, I do modeling portfolios for professional dancers, photography for international ballet companies and so on. I also sell works in galleries.

    While I don't really like doing weddings, I obligated myself to no more than 1 per month (12 per year). Because of my "unique" style and the difficulty in booking me for weddings, I can get away with $2500-$9000 wedding packages.

    The value of any art is all perspective. If you are exclusive and elusive and charge a lot, the perception is you are worth the money.

    I target an upper end market for weddings but I really enjoy the dance work!

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