Homeland Security/Emergency Management Free Certificate Courses

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by MichaelGates, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

    Tennessee Deprartment of Commerce & Insurance - Fire Prevention Division

    Tennessee Deprartment of Commerce & Insurance - Fire Prevention Division


    Junior Fire Marshal

    Quiz - Junior Fire Marshal Certificate.
  2. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

    Fire Avenger

    Fire Avenger

    Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner, State of Georgia

    Become a Fire Avenger Cadet!

    Take the Fire Safety Quiz and when you finish you'll get an official certificate making you a Fire Avenger Cadet!


    Help your kids to be prepared for what may come in life.
  3. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist


    Wow, this is great! Thanks for providing this information.

    Do you know if one may receive college credit for any of these courses (besides FEMA and the two online fire academy courses)?

  4. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

    College Credit?

    College Credit

    FEMA Independent study Courses
    Yes. At some colleges. Not ACE rated.

    National Fire Academy
    Indepedente Study Courses Q118 & Q318 are ACE Rated. TESC also gives credit for Q534.

    Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS)
    Yes, check out the free Masters program for those who qualify.

    Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)
    The free three day classroom course "PER212-WMD/Terrorism Incident Defensive Operations for Emergency Responders" is offered around the country and is ACE rated for two college hours.
  5. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

    Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)

    Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)


    Training and Exercise Management Division

    You will need to apply for an account in order to log on. Course are for those in Emergency Management (Includes local government, fire, police, and businesses), Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Public Health and Hospital disciplines. Those outside Pennsylvania have been admitted at times.

    The PEMA online area has listings for classroom courses and online courses. It is hard to locate courses once log into the system. The online course catalog is more for classroom courses in Pennsylvania and the "Groups" area is where to locate online courses.

    Certificates (pdf) and CEUs are awarded for many courses.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2008
  6. Woho

    Woho New Member

    do you have knowledge which of those got the best looking certificates? :))
  7. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

    What do you mean by "best looking certificates"? Do you mean which have the prettiest colors, the fanciest type font or nicest paper? What would look best on your wall may not be what looks best in your employee file. What would look best in my military 201 file may be determined simply by the name of the institution that gave the certificate or the signature of the general that is upon it.
  8. Woho

    Woho New Member

    I'd do it just for entertainment purpose and my own joy of getting my head in something totally different. Since I'm working in a totally non military/homeland/emergency field and not even from the US I guess no employee would ever see this. The Inter-American Defense College courses are looking quite good. They even write something that they are mailing out the certificates. Did you do them as well?
  9. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

    The Inter-American Defense College certificates look nice. Antique yellow paper. Signature of a general. I am on the last online course there, having completed four of five. Delivery time on the certificates is very good also, less than a week inside the US.

    The United States Institute of Peace has a nice certificate for placing on the wall, which I never do. I got an online certificate and one in the mail.
  10. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

    Extension Disaster Education Network

    Extension Disaster Education Network

    EDEN-produced Learning Opportunities



    * OnGuard - Food Protection and Defense
    * Plant Biosecurity
    * Ready Business
    * Pandemic Prep - Business
    * The National Response Plan
    * Pandemic Influenza Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations
    * Animal Agrosecurity and Emergency Management

    Certificates awarded, but not college credit.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2008
  11. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member


    (I know, I know, communion chalices and all...)
  12. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

  13. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

    Pacific EMPRINTS Online Courses

    Pacific EMPRINTS Online Courses


    Available Courses

    Courses on CBRNE and Other Public Health Concerns
    Courses Using the Problem-Based Learning Approach
    GIS Awareness and Knowledge Courses
    ArcGIS Emergency Planning and Response Exercises
    Podcast Courses

    Free - Online Courses - Certificates - Non-college


    Anyone finding this course list useful?
  14. GeneralSnus

    GeneralSnus Member

    Incredibly so! This is very helpful for a relatively new public service volunteer like me.
  15. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

    Hazardous Materials Incident Response: Awareness (Online)

    Hazardous Materials Incident Response: Awareness (Online)

    University of Missouri Center for Distance and Independent Study

    Free, Online, Certificate, Non-college credit.


    This Awareness course is the first level of first responder certification. A first responder must be properly trained and mentally prepared when called upon to respond to a hazardous material incident. This course will cover the necessary basics as well as the use of the Emergency Response Guidebook. The course meets the federal regulations as set by OSHA 1910.120, NFPA 472 and Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP).

    After choosing enroll you will see a screen that says, "Please select the course level you wish to enroll in:". Choose "Non Credit".
  16. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

    Seattle Citizen Disaster Preparedness Education

    Seattle Citizen Disaster Preparedness Education

    Online, free, certificate, non-college credit.


    A good course to help prepare your entire family for a disaster. Though centered around Seattle, the material is 95% useful anywhere. You do have to register and log-in before you will see the button for the quiz, which is required in order to earn the certificate.
  17. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

    Kentucky Terrorism Response and Preparedness

    Kentucky Terrorism Response and Preparedness

    Online, free, certificates, non-college credit.

    Pediatric Terrorism Awareness Course

    County Agricultural Response Team (CART) Biosecurity and Physical Security for Veterinarian Professionals Animal Emergency Management Principles for Veterinarian Professionals http://www.kiprc.uky.edu/trap/agro/

    Chemical Terrorism Awareness-Level Training http://www.kiprc.uky.edu/trap/chemical.html

    Bioterrorism Awareness-Level Training

    Introduction to Terrorism Awareness-Level Training http://www.kiprc.uky.edu/trap/introterrorism.html
  18. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

  19. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

  20. MichaelGates

    MichaelGates Active Member

    Pipeline Emergencies 101 Online Course (NASFM)

    Pipeline Emergencies 101 Online Course (NASFM)

    National Association of State Fire Marshals

    Free, online, certificate, non-college credit.


    Pipeline Emergencies 101, an awareness training program for first
    responders. This program is interactive and has many training opportunities
    for you to incorporate your knowledge, and skills. The program features
    emergency scenarios, activities and an emergency based exercise to test
    your knowledge in real life situations

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