Help - Distance or Presential mode - MBA

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by lyes, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. lyes

    lyes New Member

    Hi everybody,

    I'm facing a dilemma and I have to make a choice. Any recommandation would be grateful.

    I'm a fresh graduate with a BBA - Marketing.

    Now, I have either the choice to pursue a full time MBA at a good Canadian university which takes 2 years to complete.


    Pursue Heriot watt distance learning MBA and at the same time work full time. As I've estimated, it would take me 2 years to complete the EBS MBA as well.

    Which route would you recommend me?

    Please don't recommend me the presential mode for networking purpose as I don't really care about networking.

    *Both MBAs have the same costs.

  2. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    If you're certain you can handle the workload I'd suggest that the Heriot-Watt route would serve you the best as you'll end up with more professional experience and less debt.
  3. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    Are you sure about that?
    If you spend two years full time on an MBA you are giving up two years of salary plus perks.
    If you spend two years full time on an MBA you still have living costs.

    I know someone who did a 2-year full time MBA and he figured it cost him well over $100,000 and that was around 20 years ago.
  4. DanielC

    DanielC New Member

    I'd imagine an individual with a business degree would be able to account for opportunity costs, Ian ;) Heriot-Watts is very well known. What is the Canadian school you're considering?

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