GST used to offer to facilitate degrees through a South African University. They seem to have re-tooled and now offer only a PhD by research through an accredited Dutch University (Theological University of Apeldoorn). Apeldoorn issues the degree. The fee is 5,000 £ plus an annual registration fee of 100 £ or so. If the fee is for the entire PhD that is an excellent cost.
The prospectus says the PhD certificate (diploma) will be in Latin with an English translation included. A PhD is projected to take 5-6 years.
It's encouraging that the Dutch partner university also describes the program on their web site:
I've looked at this program for several years (even when they were partnered with North-West). I intend on applying in November.
I'm seriously considering this degree. I have had a few conversations with the staff over the years. They seem to check all the boxes.
Well, after applying and waiting a considerable amount of time, GST informed me that they have reached capacity for the time being. I'm disappointed and must return to the hunt.
Not surprising I suppose given the quality of the school and cost (quite a bargain). Next best cost wise and still research oriented are the South African schools. Northwest University seems to be one willing to work with North Americans and affordable. Rick Walston did his PhD there and I believe that James White is doing his PhD there.
I ended up applying to a doctoral program at a school in the US. I have very high regard for this institution and, therefore, I really hope I don't get turned down.
Sorry for the delay. It's been awhile since I have logged in here. I haven't applied yet. I'm involved in a number of other things at present and about to include another ministry on my agenda. So, probably not on the agenda for 2024. Congrats on your journey though.
Since Greenwich has gone dark on the web, and since Apeldoorn doesn't mention them, I think their defunct.