Graduate schools that accept the most transfer credits

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by sanantone, Mar 3, 2022.

  1. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    If you have credit from a school that closed, it's possible that a different school even without a formal teach-out agreement will reduce its residency requirements so you can complete a degree.

    Indiana Wesleyan University for example has a policy for such "displaced students." A displaced student transferring to an IWU graduate program that is 36 credit hours must take a minimum of only 9 credit hours at IWU, for example.

    Indiana Wesleyan doesn't meet sanantone's general criterion for this thread as it limits graduate transfer credit normally to 35% of a program. However, it might be useful to someone that it states it accepts ACE and NCCRS and that statement isn't limited to the undergraduate level alone. It also accepts NA and has a PLA process for unaccredited.
    sideman and Dustin like this.
  2. sideman

    sideman Well Known Member

    Well, hallelujah! And believe me when I say that I'm not being sarcastic here. Well maybe just a little bit. It's about time that a college of higher learning acknowledges that there are other ways of acquiring that knowledge, and on a case by case basis, apply it towards a degree (even graduate no less) so a prospective student doesn't have to relearn what they've already learned. And yes I am aware of the Big 3 and their inclusive approach but IWU appears to be a college in the "traditional" sense. So this application of credits might even be construed as an enlightened way of thinking that shows an open mindedness unheard of in the upper echelons of academics. It may even be deemed revolutionary. But let's not get too excited here. But hey, it's a win for the team and I'll take a win when I can get one.
  3. chrisjm18

    chrisjm18 Well-Known Member

    For their Ed.D. program, they have a completion option that accepts an Ed.S. or 30 credit hours of education-related doctoral level courses (700 level or higher). The credits can come from a school accredited by an agency recognized by CHEA and ED.

    I was looking at their Ed.S. in Educational Technology and Learning Engineering while searching for Ed.S. programs. The learning engineering part made it seem like a fancy degree :D
  4. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    Johann and chrisjm18 like this.
  5. Asymptote

    Asymptote Active Member

    What classes are the LawShelf and Coopersmith ones? Where can we find these opportunities?
  6. Vicki

    Vicki Well-Known Member

    For the LawShelf classes, the only school that I have seen that accepts them as graduate credits is Purdue Global. They would come in as Legal Studies electives, so there would need to be room for that in your degree plan.

    If you decide to give LawShelf a try, I happen to be an affiliate. You can use my code to basically buy one get one free...

    Buy one, get one free with my affiliate code: VK375
    SweetSecret likes this.
  7. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

  8. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    I don't think these have been mentioned yet, and I previously made threads on these programs.
    Colorado State University's PhD in Engineering will apply up to 30 credits from a technical master's degree plus 10 doctoral credits that were not previously used in another degree. The Doctor of Engineering will apply 30 credits from a technical master's plus 6 doctoral credits that were previously not applied to a degree.

    Carolina University's PhD in Leadership allowed up to 50% of the program to be transferred least when I first discovered the program. Contact them for up to date information.
  9. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    Wayne State College: Up to 50% of an MA or MS in Interdisciplinary Studies, MS in Education, or EdS. Significantly less transfer credit is accepted toward the MBA or MSOM. B or higher required; B- not acceptable. Within this transfer credit maximum, graduate students may petition to challenge for credit. Credit that has been applied toward an earned graduate degree will not be accepted, except for the MSE professional education core. Wayne State College in Wayne, Nebraska, should not be confused with Wayne State University in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan.
    NotJoeBiden likes this.
  10. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    NotJoeBiden and Jonathan Whatley like this.
  11. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    William Woods University advertises "Up to 50% credit hrs - transfer available" for its online DBA, and that with transfer the 51 credit degree can be completed in as little as 12 months. It also advertises "adaptive" credit transfer that allows acceleration of its low-residency PhD in Ethical Leadership, which is normally scheduled over 3 calendar years. However, the university's normal maximum graduate transfer per its catalog is only 9 credit hours.
    Dustin and sanantone like this.
  12. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    The DBA deserves its own thread.
  13. Futuredegree

    Futuredegree Well-Known Member

    does Amberton University allow 12 credits to be transferred from previously earned degrees?
  14. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

  15. Futuredegree

    Futuredegree Well-Known Member

  16. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    I'm not sure if this applies to getting a second master's degree or if it's just referring to credits not previously applied towards a degree.
  17. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    NotJoeBiden and sanantone like this.
  18. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    Columbia Southern University recently increased their maximum graduate transfer credit. "A minimum of 33%" of a master’s degree or postgraduate professional or doctoral program program "must be completed at CSU. Transfer credit for experiential learning may not exceed 25%" of a graduate degree program, and at the doctoral or postgraduate level can only apply to didactic courses.
    sanantone and NotJoeBiden like this.
  19. Pugbelly2

    Pugbelly2 Active Member

    Bakke Graduate University (Tracs) - 12 hours

    SNHU - 12 hours

    Bellevue University - 18 hours if you already have a graduate degree from BU

    UMGC - 12 hours
  20. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

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