#(#*!^&% gas!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by BlueMason, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. BlueMason

    BlueMason Audaces fortuna juvat

    Incredible... price of oil drops below $100 and yet we're still paying the equivalent of $4.82/gallon!!!!
  2. raristud2

    raristud2 New Member

    Is this a good time to stock up on oil futures?
  3. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef


    I know! I'm glad I don't have to drive to campus this semester.
  4. sentinel

    sentinel New Member

    I don't know the answer to the question. But I can confidently say you should have bought United Airlines shares when they hit a bottom of about USD3.00 and sold them once they rebounded to about USD10.00. Apparently, Google grabbed an old news story with their web crawler technology and it sparked a sell-off. The story was undated and seriously out of date but investors and automated trading systems kicked into high gear and reduced the share price from USD14.00 to USD3.00 to USD10.00 after it was revealed the story did not reflect the current status of United Airlines.
  5. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    We just dropped to $3.41 per gallon; I haven't seen it that low in quite awhile.

    It's amazing what an impact it was when President Bush lifted the ban on offhshore drilling; even though we're years from seeing the benefits, the bottom fell out of oil prices almost immediately.

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