Forum Users - How would you go about this?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by AsianStew, Oct 29, 2019.

  1. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    Most forum members here are very helpful to those in need. I have a quick question how would you go about this? Do you let it slide and you try to assist that person?

    I am not the "internet police" and I know the board members here aren't either, we just don't want to waste limited resources we have to regurgitate the same type of response again and again.

    Scenario: A new user of this board may have created multiple accounts asking for assistance. Let's say 3 or 4 just to ask the same questions over and over to "fish" for information. You have just noticed this and know it may not be proper etiquette to do so.

    I understand that some people may find that it's an urgent need to get answers, but having those "questions" submitted multiple times under different accounts may not "resolve" or get your the answers you're looking for or agree with.

    We are here to help, we don't get paid, and I surely don't want to have my expertise exploited. Especially if this or these individuals are here for non-proctored courses purely for cheating the system. You're just cheating yourself of learning...
  2. Steve Levicoff

    Steve Levicoff Well-Known Member

    I recently pointed out an example of this - akin to "I need/my sister needs a degree in anything within six months, she has no prior credits, works in the medical field, speaks French," etc. Too many similarities between users to be coincidental.

    Best bet: contact a moderator and ask him or her to check out the various usernames to see whether they are posting from the same ISP. If similarities are found, and depending on the forum software, they can not only bam the individual users but also ban the ISP, which would help to prevent new registrations by the same user.
  3. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I will only point out that it is a violation of the Terms of Service to have multiple logins. Sometimes this occurs innocently, sometimes not.
  4. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    Now that I see the question copied/pasted in this forum, it's not nearly as fun to answer as when I read it the first time on IC.

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