Foreign Doctorates

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by plumbdog10, Feb 19, 2003.

  1. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Bill: I meant the word, not the language.
  2. plumbdog10

    plumbdog10 New Member

    I made the comment about Kristi's secret club theory because it seems that no matter what the topic is, the discussion degenerates into the value of a Union, Touro, or Cappela degree.

    As for my spelling, I agree it's pretty poor. But if I pointed out every spelling and grammer mistake on this forum there would be no dl discussion.
  3. plumbdog10

    plumbdog10 New Member

    I made the comment about Kristi's secret club theory because it seems that no matter what the topic is, the discussion degenerates into the value of a Union, Touro, or Cappela degree.

    As for my spelling, I agree it's pretty poor. But if I pointed out every spelling and grammer mistake on this forum there would be no dl discussion.
  4. telfax

    telfax New Member

    Non-US DBA very different

    The British PhD was always seen as the 'jewel in the academic crown'. When some universities started offering professional doctorates ten years or so ago, many went overboard with the thesis element and research publications so the new programmes could not be criticized as being 'easier' or a 'soft option'. Some, in my view, have become 'easier' whereas 'the best' professional doctorates actually require as much, or more actual work and academic writing than just doing a straightforward PhD!

  5. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    "But if I pointed out every spelling and grammer mistake..."

    We know you wouldn't do that.
  6. plumbdog10

    plumbdog10 New Member

    I might.
  7. Hi Plumbdog,
    It seems from your comment above that most topics end up gong their own way, or as you say "degenerate into the value of a Union, Toura, or Capella degree". How do you suppose this happens? It would appear from your comments that the discussions have a habitual pattern. What do you suppose needs to be different? And how could that difference come about?
    I find your insight quite interesting.
  8. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member


    I agree, btw, it's "grammar"...OOPS:D
  9. plumbdog10

    plumbdog10 New Member

    I think that it is simply the cost of free expression, and I don't wish to deny that right to anyone on this or any other forum. But, I do think that the value of the forum is in question.

    I started this thread because I thought that it was of interest to many of the members, particularly those considering foreign universities. There were some interesting comments, but suddenly Touro and Union emerge. This, in my opinion, begins to turn-off a lot of the members, and turns the discussion into a private conversation between long time members.

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