Hey there. Just finished the AMU MBA Comp Exam Yesterday. 6 hour test took me 5 hours and 32 minutes. Hopefully I passed. I worked hard to prepare for this, and get the results back after Aug. 28th. At the same time been working as an intern at a Statistical Consulting and Research firm. This is a virtual position since they main office is in Georgia and I am in California. I learned some skills in SPSS Statistical Software, Finished a Research Assignment, and made a ton of Ice Cold Marketing Calls. I wanted to end with writing 1 or 2 white papers for the firm. They specialize in so many different analytics from text analytics, predictive analytics, marketing analytics, data mining, intelligence analysis, statistical programming and others. They also teach courses in Applied Marketing Statistics Introduction, Applied Business Research Course, and Intermediate Statistical Modeling for Marketing. I was thinking about writing a white paper on human resource analytics focused mainly on recruitment. The Oakland A's and New England Patriots got me interested in this topic since they used analytics to recruit their players. They were featured in Thomas Davenports book Competing on Analytics which I read as part of my internship. Does anyone have any other suggestions? Thanks,
I don't have any suggestions, the topic makes my head hurt. And the only two topics I even have any info about are CJ and history. I do hope you passed your test though!
LOL! You should have attended the Marketing Statistics training course. My brain was fried after that! Interesting class, but had a hard time keeping up. Thanks for the kind words. I hope I pass too!
OK, so do some deep breathing, relax........relax.......relax. I'm sure you did quite well. Let us know when you get the final results.
It was open book. Each question had about 5-6 parts to it. I had to have a minimum of 7 references for each question and include in-text citations. I used the online library for research and referenced mostly journal articles and some articles from the Wall Street Journal and similar publications.
Just want to at least contribute something to my internship. The projects there were so advanced, I didn't get a chance to actually work on a real one. I did lots of marketing and cold calls that didn't end so well. At least I got over the fear of cold calling! They have two white papers on the website and plan on adding more. I thought I could easily contribute in that way.
Tell me about it. I constantly check to see if the instructor graded it. I'll let you know the results. I have this feeling I won't know until early September since the course officially ends on August 28th.
Me neither, and they were on my short list. . . Gets me wondering if Bellevue has a comp exam as well. . .
So where are they on your list now? If you need info on the comp exam I have the preparation guide so you can get an idea of how difficult the questions are. PM me and I can email it to you.
After re-reading the thread, I've calmed a bit. After all, Aspen has a reputedly difficult comp exam as well, and they were one of my main choices for a while. APUS is my second choice currently, after Bellevue. If Trident fixes their issues, it'll throw a monkey wrench in the list.