The handbook I have from Excelsior college shows only 3 hours of written English are required for either an Associate or Bachelor degree. If I were to earn an Associate at Excelsior and go to COSC for a Bachelor, would I be required to take another 3 hours of written English as COSC requires 6 hours for a degree?
Take either the CLEP English Composition General Exam or the CLEP Freshman College Composition Subject Exam. Both are worth 6 semester credits, which will satisfy Excelsior's requirement plus give you 3 credits for open electives, and both will satisfy COSC's requirements altogether. Bruce
If CLEP/GRE exams are taken while enrolled at COSC, what do the transcripts look like? Are grades given or is it all just credit? Thanks- Janna
I transfered in an Associate degree+ and needed to ad 3 more English credits. I enrolled in the power writing class and enjoy the class. (not the cheapest way to go but I am getting my $ worth from the class) Dan Snelson COSC student for a little bit longer...
I'm enrolled in an Excelsior BS program and I can assure you that they have a 6 credit-hour Written English Requirement. Excelsior does not accept the CLEP's for their Written English Requirement; you must take the six-credit-hour Excelsior (nee Regents) exam to satisfy Excelsior degree program requirements. For an Excelsior BS, three of those credit hours will be applied in the Humanities section and three will be applied in the Arts & Sciences electives section. For STB, I would once again caution you about trying to play one institution against another in the credit granting department. More time will likely be wasted in trying to 'game' the system than would be saved in perceived simpler requirements, to say nothing of probably increased tuition or credit banking costs and confusion from academic advisors in discerning your ultimate goal. My best advice as a semi-newbie in this process is to select one institution and, for lack of a better term, 'toe the line'. ;-)
quote: Originally posted by stb: The handbook I have from Excelsior college shows only 3 hours of written English are required for either an Associate or Bachelor degree. ... You're right, STB. The written English Requirement (WER) is THREE semester hours as you stated, not six hours. The RCE English Composition is worth six hours credit, but that does not mean the WER is six hours. It isn't.