I'll be taking either the English Comp CLEP w/ essay or the Freshman Comp CLEP w/ essay in a couple of weeks. I've been practicing writing five paragraph essays on random topics. However, I was wondering if anyone who took these exams can post what their essay topics were. That way, I can get a better idea of what to expect. I'm a little afraid of this exam, because my results on the Peterson's practice tests have been poor. I've been scoring in the low forty percentile, while my results on the IC flashcards have been 90%+. I'm also a little concerned about the essay due to my inability to think of things to write about. This is especially difficult for me when it comes to very general topics. I guess I'm just uncreative. Anyway, I would appreciate some example topics.
Nobody? Okay, I'll start with a topic that I heard. From 123collegedegree.com: How computers have affected the way we work today vs. 100 years ago.
I took the GRE exam a few days before taking this exam. I will say that the essay on this CLEP exam is EXACTLY the same kind of essay you get on the GRE in the Issue-Perspective Section. You obviously won't know what the essay is before hand but you will have a much easier time finding sample GRE essays on the internet. There are plenty of tips for writing this essay as well. Here is the official list of GRE essay topics. These should give you a good idea of what to expect on the CLEP exam. http://www.ets.org/portal/site/ets/menuitem.1488512ecfd5b8849a77b13bc3921509/?vgnextoid=b63ce7b9edfb5010VgnVCM10000022f95190RCRD&vgnextchannel=06a7e3b5f64f4010VgnVCM10000022f95190RCRD That url seems all crazy and I wonder if it'll work in long term. If not, this is how you find it: Go to www.ets.org Click on "GRE" in the Tests column In the Test Takers section, click on "Practice for a GRE Test" Click on "Prepare for the General Test" Click on the "Writing Topics" tab Click on "Issue Topics" in the "Present Your Perspective on an Issue" Task section
I took my CLEP english essay test many years ago - I do not remember the exact question but I remember writing about the importance of education to my generation.
Hi there, I don't know if you've taken the exam yet, but here are some sample essay topics that were in the study guides I used: - "Proponents of term-limit legislation, which limits the amount of time elected officials can serve, argue that such laws make politicians less beholden to lobbyists and donors and mandate an influx of fresh ideas to the political process. Opponents, however, argue that, by increasing the number of inexperienced legislators, such laws will actually give more power to lobbyists, fund-raisers, and long-term unelected government bureaucrats." Write an argument in which you discuss whose argument, the proponents of term limits or its opponents, you find more persuasive. Explain your position using reasons and/or examples taken from your own experiences, philosophy, or reading. ******************************* Here's another topic: - There is an old French saying: "The more things change, the more they stay the same." Do you agree or disagree with this assertion? Do you think it is true in some instances, but not in others? Using specific examples, write an essay explaining your position, drawing on your personal experience, observations, or books you have read for support. Hope this helps!
Essay topics My HS son practiced using these online resources: http://www.learnatest.com/LEL/index.cfm/ Once there (you may need to sign up for a free account), choose College Prep and then either ACT Preparation or SAT Preparation. From there, select Writing Practice Tests. AP and CLEP are both put put by Collegeboard so the content of the exams can be very similar. My HS son practiced using these prompts and passed.
I'm a little afraid of this exam, because my results on the Peterson's practice tests have been poor. I've been scoring in the low forty percentile, while my results on the IC flashcards have been 90%+. I'm also a little concerned about the essay due to my inability to think of things to write about. This is especially difficult for me when it comes to very general topics. I guess I'm just uncreative.
My sister who graduated Bachelor of Science and Education major in English took up that exam. She told me that it was difficult yet she still passed the exam. I remember she said that her essay was all about education on this days generation.
If you have a lot of problems writing essays, you can use my advice. I usually read many essays on various topics to find interesting ideas for my own essay. At https://studydriver.com/walt-whitman-essay/ you can find an essay on any topic or just order an essay. It is very simple and convenient. Usually, here I read various essays about poets, such as Walt Whitman. Everything is very high quality and professionally written. Personally recommend.