Donald Trump's US business empire holds at $650 million in debt

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Abner, Aug 22, 2016.

  1. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    This is the weirdest and most polarizing election I've ever seen in my lifetime, although an examination of history reveals that this is nothing new. The United States is on a pivot point because the two candidates will take the nation in vastly different directions:
    - selection of SCOTUS justices
    - foreign-affairs policies
    - economic and taxation plans

    It's also interesting to see how polarization is affecting:
    - family, friends and colleagues
    - media outlets
    - celebrities and pundits

    Donald Trump is a game changer that no one envisioned because he says and does things that no one else can -- and he gets away with it. He does not back down from a legitimate fight to stand-up for honor and integrity and for that reason, the media is unable to control or manipulate him. It also appears that Trump is not in this election process for greed, avarice, self-aggrandizement or power but instead, he is in it to help the nation (and not himself). And if that is genuinely true, then he cannot be bought by others but instead, he is looking out for the welfare of the United States. Those are traits and qualities that will help a president to make good long-term decisions to put the nation on the right track.
  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Horse sh*t
  3. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Ted, do you think Trump will do well as president? What is your vision of Trump in that position?
  4. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Trump is going to be really frustrated with the job of being president.
  5. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    Trump loved talking about the polls until now because he's not doing so well. If his support stays at the current level, he's going to lose in a landslide. His approach worked for the primaries, but it's not working for the general election. That's why he's on his third campaign manager and has been hinting at softening his stance on immigration. He even said that he regrets some of the things he's said. I expect him to change his stances on other issues like he's already done several times in the past year. It's going to be very hard for him to win with just 2% of the black vote, less than 20% of the Hispanic vote, less than 50% of the women vote, and less than 50% of the college-educated white vote. A Republican hasn't lost the college-educated white vote in decades, and only getting 1 or 2% of the black vote might be a record.
  6. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    That's exactly what the pundits said in the primaries. However, when the silent majority voted, they outnumbered the vocal minority. It will be interesting to see who the majority votes for on Tuesday, November 8 of 2016.
  7. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    Actually, Trump polled well during the primaries; that's why he kept bragging about the polls. By the way, Johnson and Stein are polling higher than Trump with black voters. If he can manage to win with primarily the white vote, I'm not sure that's something to brag about in such a diverse country.
  8. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    It's like people forget how little the president can really do unilaterally. Congress holds a lot more power than people realize. Moreover, the federal government as a whole has a lot less influence over the economy than people think. That's why those political memes going on and on about what unemployment was like during whose administration are so annoying -- it doesn't matter much who sits in the Oval Office.
  9. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Agreed. However, with the implementation of a zillion "executive orders," the office of president appears to have grown in power (party immaterial).

    In the big picture, you are correct.

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